Today is one of my very dearest friends’ birthdays (by the time I get this post finished it will be a belated b-day). I would like to tell you all a little bit about why I love Randall so!
I still remember the very first time I saw Randall. I don’t know why this memory of her is etched in my heart, but it is. I had been hearing about her as I was hanging out with many of her high school buddies. It was the first week of college – so you can imagine that it was a time of huge anxiety for just every one of the 30 thousand students on that campus nestled in the mountains. I had that horrible desperate feeling “must find friends” all the live long day. I remember looking down a long cinder block corridor at BYU’s Helaman Halls and seeing her. The girl who would, in time, become one of my closest and dearest friends. I remember her L O N G legs. She was wearing jeans and and long sleeve red t-shirt, and boots. Her naturally curly hair hit just below her shoulders and her arm was in a cast. She was standing next to her mom and she looked, well quite honestly she looked absolutely beautiful…and a little vulnerable. It is funny to think of her then – when she was an unknown quantity – as the last 15 years have brought our friendship through the peaks and valleys of what is often referred to as “real life”.
I have always loved Randall. Always. I think I was born to love her. She is a person for whom my love, respect and admiration has grown as I have gotten to know her better. I believe she is a person who God trusts implicitly. I say this because I have known some of the trials he has trusted her with. I don’t know a person who has been through more and has remained so lovely, so pure, and so completely devoted to God. When the time comes that the things that we have conquered are shouted from the roof tops and a heavenly cheer rises up, I hope to be one of the lucky ones who is given the chance to sing out everything that Randall has overcome. And I will do it at the top of my lungs, with all the energy I possess and with all the love I feel for this beautiful woman, who I am blessed to call my friend.
Until that day comes I will have to settle for singing her praises from my humble little blog.
Randall is a person who has taught me many important things – for starters she has taught me about forgiveness. She has taught me the power of letting go of pain and letting God rest his hand on your heart. She has taught me about the power of the Atonement. More than once she has told me about how love really is the solution and the answer to most of the problems that we face. I believe her because she knows.
She is kind. If you were to meet her I think you’d be struck by her gentleness and her serenity. She is also a wonderful in the way that she listens.
Listening is always a mark of humility, and Ran is humble – I don’t think she has ANY idea just how wonderful she really is.
Randall is a deeply compassionate person. I have noticed that when we are having a discussion when I get crusty and adamant she is soft and caring. I really love her compassion. When I am with her I notice that her instincts always fall on the side of being loving, and her compassion always inspires me to try to be more this way myself.
She is willing to work very, very hard to do God’s will. I have rarely met a harder worker. She just keeps chipping away, no matter how hard the task – hoping, hoping, hoping and working, and waiting for God to come through. She has the lovely grace that comes to those of God’s children who have really learned to wait upon Him.
She and her husband, H.L. are two of my heroes. Their relationship is such a wonderful example to me of selfless love and giving. Because I have been known to be fiercely protective of my girl friends, who they date and marry is of great concern to me, I couldn’t have been happier that Randall and H. L. chose each other. He has been and continues to be such a fantastic husband and father. Together they make the most beautiful team.
Randall is fun. We have had lots of fun together. Just thinking about the crazy stuff we did as co-eds makes me laugh – remember how I always wanted to find a hot tub at around 1:00 am, WHAT was that about? When we couldn’t find a hot-tub we’d often settle for those random swings, do you remember that? How you let me sleep on your floor after we watched X-files because I was always so creeped out! Our search for the ultimate hair cut – we traveled to the far reaches of UT looking for that hair cut. You found an apartment for us and my room had clouds painted on the ceiling – that was awesome. You were my chauffeur b/c I still didn’t have my license. THE HUMILIATION! I remember you taking me over to the little shop where your wedding dress was. I remember they wouldn’t let you try it on so you sent pictures of you wearing to to me – with the bows and without the bows. You dropped me off at the MTC when I was mission bound. Colloquium class – that was a winner! The winner that brought you and H together. Viva Mexico! Staying up late into the night talking, and talking and talking…I guess some things haven’t changed!
Randall is impeccably stylish. I have always loved looking through her closet (with her permission, don’t worry!) She has always had a superior wardrobe. I remember someone once saying of her, “She always looks so good… and have you noticed, she always wears a belt!” I thought that was a funny thing to say – the part about the belt – but it is true. She always looks beautiful (even when she is pregnant- she doesn’t feel beautiful but she IS!!) She has a natural polish. Her tallness (those lovely long legs) and her light eyes and dark hair, those gorgeous cheek bones, and rosebud lips help the clothes considerably – but as ever, I think the inner beauty far outshines the exterior. But let me tell you, that exterior ain’t bad!!
Randall is a great athlete – for starters she is a great water skier, snow skier, basketball player etc and these days, as she isn’t playing on many sports teams, she has been working out at the gym. She has become something of a gym maniac. I have nothing but respect for her in this department.

(missing from this photo is Eliza May - sorry Ella, I should have kept all those Xmas cards your mom sent me!)
She is a wonderful mother. I remember once looking at a photo of her holding her oldest son, Jack. She was lit in such a way that she looked like she was sporting a halo. That is how I see her as a mother. I am not saying that she is perfect, but I know her heart – I know what she desires and I know her intentions – and they are BEAUTIFUL. She has fought so hard for her children – for their happiness and for hers.
I want her (and anyone who happens to read this post) to know just how much she means to me. I love her more than I can say!
Happy Birthday, Ran!