it's's's dawesome
March 3rd, 2010 by Eliza

The other day as we drove into the City, Clara was babbling and said, “Gee zee ma.” To which Millie responded,

“MOM! she said, “gee zee ma”. That means mom’s a genius!”

Aw, shucks, Mills! You can be Clara’s interpreter any day of the week.

She then went on to instruct me that I had to make special mention of this exchange in my blog. Duly noted dearest daughter!

Tonight as we drove home from swimming at the gym we were listening to Eva Cassidy’s rendition of “Kathy’s Song” by Simon and Garfunkel. Millie sighed deeply and said,

“Mom, I L O V E this song. I think about the rain, look out the window and smile.”

And earlier today she treated me to something truly special.

You have to see this to believe it, my friends. Don’t skip the vid, or you will really be missing out on a treat!



(ain’t it swell?)

Things I really hope you noticed: What Millie did to my kitchen to make our brunch possible. Also, did you happen to see all the crazy things on the counter top? If not, go back and see if you can spot her her otter and her back pack. Also, I hope you also noticed the the pile of dirty diapers on the stairs – I run a classy establishment!

No doubt you noticed her “make-up” – which is worthy of its very own post. Long before brunch took place Millie decided she wanted to be a “mean rainbow dog” — saving that for another post….it was just as awesome as brunch.

All in a day’s work, people. All in a day’s work!

February 25th, 2010 by Eliza

I know, I know – yet another collage!

I just discovered Picasa – I will tire of this soon, bear with me.

The other day Millie and Clara were hanging out in Clara’s room – taking books off the shelf and “reading”.

As I watched them potter about it struck me that this was one of those wonderful moments where they were happy, and enjoying this simple activity together and so I grabbed the camera and did my best to capture it.

(I realize this is a bit on the small side, but if you click on it you can see it bigger and get a better sense of it.)

February 22nd, 2010 by Eliza

Although you have recently left us – your influence is still very much felt.

I wanted to let you know of a few things we did, “in your honor”:

The night that you flew back to your home, nestled in the mountain side, we let the girls put on dress-ups and have a dance before going to bed.

Only you will get this joke, but Millie put these on her head and declared:


Oh, how we laughed!

The following day, again, in the “spirit of grandma” we had a birthday party for this guy,

Millie’s dog, Chase.

I think you would have approved!

Everyone got their own couture hat (including the stuffed dog)

There were candles

And cupcakes for all!

And in case you are wondering – those cupcakes were pretty yummy.

Thanks for inspiring us to have more fun around here.

We love you


still miss you…

So! When are you coming back?

January 22nd, 2010 by Eliza

Do you ever wonder what goes on while I am putting a post together?

Today, for your viewing pleasure, I shall DEMYSTIFY the experience and take you behind the scenes of yesterday’s delightful post.

As I snap pictures, whilst my baby sleeps, suddenly a sound is heard from above!

It is not a happy sound:

Taken out of the crib, the Maker of the noise is not satisfied to be merely near my presence,

Suddenly Millie shows up – with not ONE but THREE head bands on her head – including the head band that I have been trying to capture on film for my blog post.


For Clara things are looking up, but she is still suspicious of that silly camera

Back down stairs to finish off those pictures, now someone else takes a fancy to the head band!

Then she tries on the necklace – which she decides that she’s not very fond of so she throws it on the ground and then stamps upon it.


The only thing which appears to be in focus are her lips and they just look so kissable to me – despite the fact that she is putting on her “thug” face. And that, my friends is a mother’s love. Unreasonable, unstinting and positively devoted – only a mother could love her little thug.

I would like to request that heaven please send me more of that mother’s love.  I am in need of more of it.

On a side note, would you like to see something truly delightful?

I was watching an interview of Brian Kershisnik, which Millie watched with me until she said, “Mom, I REALLY NEED to PAINT!”

So she trotted off and made this self portrait.

It is making me feel very, very happy.

Does it have the same effect on you?

Also making me happy:

These flowers in a vase

and these flowers on my skirt (which I wore yesterday despite the freezing cold temperature)

And that is what was happening yesterday behind the scenes!

December 18th, 2009 by Eliza

While we were in UT Millie and Grandma made a “PINK Salad”. Huh? A pink salad – you might be thinking. Let me explain, this “salad” involved marshmallows, red jello and whipped cream. You get the drift now, right?

When the salad was brought out and served to the whole family Millie, who had long since left the table to play elsewhere, walked in, saw what was happening and declared to those whose plates held small mounds of gooie marshmallow goodness,

“Enjoy the pink!”

When I saw this picture I couldn’t help but want to echo Millie’s sentiments…



We certainly do around here.

On a daily basis!

November 6th, 2009 by Eliza

A word of warning.

The following females are headed your way:


Look out, suckaz…

Here we come!


Liza, Millie & Clara Jane

P.S. Dear Readers of Dawsome, I don’t know if I’ll be able to fit my lap top into my carry-on bag (it is a well known fact that too many goldfish crackers can clog up a carry-on) so you may not be hearing from me for a while…around 14 days or so…)

November 3rd, 2009 by Eliza

Dear Heavenly Father,

Please bless that the Fall doesn’t blow everyone away.

And that they can rake and have fun

And jump in the piles.



October 31st, 2009 by Eliza

…that produces such excellent outfits?

Something in the air? The water? I don’t know for sure the reason. But one thing IS certain,


Recall if you will the last time I posted about one of Millie’s outfits. She wore that on a Friday.

She always seems to look her very cutest on a Friday.

About three Fridays past she wore this number:

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Close up of those socks:


The very socks she told me she did not want to wear, but somehow I convinced her they were the bees’ knees. Later that day as we were walking home we passed a few hip college aged girls who made special mention of  THE SOCKS! Millie beamed with pride. A little fashionista in the making, I tell ya.

Last Friday she sported this sweet “get-up”:


But I feel pretty convinced that this Friday’s outfit takes the cake:


She is not the first, nor will she be the last little girl who will parade through the darkening streets at Halloween , as Dorothy Gale, but she is MY Dorothy and so, as you can imagine, I am smitten.


Last night as I was gathering her costume together I thought about Adrian Adolph Greenburg, the designer responsible for this costume that has become iconic. It really is a great design. I wanted to thank him for his design and especially for those ruby slippers. (And I want to thank Target for mass producing them, and only charging $10 for them!)

Once we were in the grocery store and Millie was wearing her sparkly red Dorothy shoes (these are actually her second pair, she’s out-grown the first) the lady behind us in line said, “OH! THOSE SHOES! I always wanted a pair of those shoes!” I’d wanted them too. Target didn’t exist when she and I were little girls.

So wear them for yourself and all the other little girls who always wanted a pair!

Here’s lookin’ at you kid.


And here’s to a H A P P Y  H A L L O W E E N !!

October 29th, 2009 by Eliza

Now that the weather is starting to turn chilly – I pulled down the creaky ladder that leads to our attic, made my way passed all of our nick-knacks and paddy-whacks, back toward the bins that hold all of our warm stuff and pulled out some of our winter woolens.

Here we have Millie in her hat and gloves –



And here is Clara in Millie’s old coat and hat.


The hat is particularly special.

When it is worn high on the head it makes Clara look like the pope. But when it is pulled down tight over her little noggin she looks like a 1930’s American football player.


She doesn’t mind as long as she can chew on it.

Keep warm, my peeps!

[this is how Clara got those warm clothes on:]

October 19th, 2009 by Eliza

On Wednesday, for fun, Millie and I decided to make candied apples.


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Can you tell which apple was made by the mom and which one by the four year old?

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I left the room briefly whilst Millie was working on her apple, when I came back she was covered in sweet stickiness.


Then I wrapped up the apple I’d made to take to a friend.


In the midst of all of this the door bell rang.

And there sitting on the porch was a special bag of Halloween goodies for Millie from her pal, Hudson.

What JOY!

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And what a stash, I might add – thanks, Hudson or should I say, Hudson’s mama!

Millie was so excited she asked if she could take her new plate and cup and play in the bathroom sink. I relented seeing as there was a fair amount of stickiness on Millie and on the kitchen that needed to be dealt with.

About 20 minutes later I heard Millie SCREAMING that she needed help “getting out.”

Getting out of what? I thought.

Apparently, this is Millie’s idea of playing in the sink:




My friends, if I’m not laughing, I am crying – and I can’t lie – I’ve shed a few tears this week.

I have witnesses.