it's's's dawesome
April 4th, 2010 by Eliza

Crazy to think that one of the very first posts I did for this blog was last year at this time.

Coming full circle, a year later, and another lovely Easter Sunday was had…

But in order to make it all possible there was VERY MUCH:

For the first time ever, in the history of the Dawson family, we decorated eggs –

The whole DYE situation made me **really** nervous so I had Millie strip down to her skivvies AND wear an apron. A wee bit over the top perhaps, but I never claimed that I was anything less than nuts in the “care of children’s clothing” department.

We were able to keep Clara out of our hair for a short time whilst she chowed down on a vanilla yogurt.

I love how she turned her bib around, she looks like a baby super hero!

We took these lovely pastel eggs and then decoupaged these flowers (that I cut out of a paper napkin) onto them.

It turns out this is actually a great way to do eggs with kids, because they can REALLY help out.

Would you agree that when they are placed on a pale blue feather, lit perfectly and a captured with a fancy camera lens that they are pretty good looking?!

I feel kind of proud of our little eggs.

But decorating eggs was just the beginning!

We also filled the house with spring flowers, and may I just say that God always knows what he is doing, but without fail his gorgeous spring FLOWERS just get me! I look at them and think, “Truly, we are loved by the Being that created these for us!”



As ever, the meal always dominates our Easter preparations and proceedings!

On the menu was – Chicken Tarragon, which I had to start at 6:30 AM to make sure the chicken would be ready, two beautiful salads and fresh asparagus provided by the sisters-in-law, and the best dessert that I currently know how to make:


hummana, hummana, hummana! This is only the second time I have blogged about this very fine dessert. I tell you what, sometimes at night I lie in bed thinking about this and my mouth starts to water. (Come over I’ll make one for you and one for me! Always looking for an excuse to make these puppies!!)

There were no “bonnets” but I must say, I thought everyone looked beautiful!

(The boots were Millie’s choice!)

Cam “rocking it” in Dan Dan’s “kelly green” jacket (complete with Palm Springs lapel pin)

I “suggested” Cam take one or two photos without the jacket…

For the last session of conference we crammed ourselves into the smallest room in our house, and believe it or not it was quite cozy and rather enjoyable.

I feel that I must re-visit this final session, because we got a little stir-crazy and rather talkative there in those few waning moments of General Conference.

All in all it was a WONDERFUL* day.

* Although currently I am feeling rather miffed because my computer has been an absolute TURD while I have been putting this post together and if it had a bottom I would SPANK IT, HARD!

I have a bunch more photos I could share (of the girls at 6:00 AM searching for Easter goodies for example) and tender feelings of love and appreciation for my Savior, who is the whole reason for our gathering to celebrate, that I would like to share…

But I am done for tonight.

To borrow a quote,

“I know it is not right to say, but I dislike Belnap Jackson and my ruddy computer very much.”

April 22nd, 2009 by Eliza







The Dawsons
