March 31st, 2010 by Eliza
Today is my bro-in-law Allan’s birthday. I started writing this post about him last week and have been continually checking my birthday calendar to make sure I got his b-day right…Meanwhile, I didn’t realize that today was the 31st – ALLAN’S BIRTHDAY- the very day in which he had I had exchanged multiple emails AND talked on the phone and I never once said, “happy birthday” because I didn’t know what day of the month it was. Just in case you’re wondering, sometimes it stinks to have a brain like mine.

It’s okay I guess, because the last time we talked on the phone I started crying when I told him that I loved him. I think he’d prefer I forget his birthday rather than blubbering at him on the phone. Would you say that was true, Al?
Now, the time has officially come for me to GUSH about Allan. You ready for this? Here were go!!
For starters he is a man with a great deal of energy, determination, enthusiasm, smarts, kindness and overall goodness. He is VERY intelligent and he is loads of fun.
I would like to tell you one of my all time favorite Allan memories. Several years ago when we were all going on a long drive as a family (Kevin & Khaliel, all their children and their spouses). Somehow I had the good fortune of driving in the car with Allan. I think we were trying to come up with ways to pass the time – and all of the sudden Allan suggested we sing songs from Les Miserables….and then before we knew it, Allan, in his full beautiful tenor voice sung out,
and an hour or more later he was wrapping it up with,
WHAT A PERFORMANCE!! He knew it all! Every last word. He could have sung all the parts but let the rest of us join in. When I wasn’t crying with laughter I was singing my heart out.

Me: Don’t you fret Monsieur Marius, I don’t feel any pain. A little fall of rain. Can hardly hurt me now.
Allan: I’m here!
Me: That’s all I need to know!
(We were inspiring, were we not, dear brother-in-law?)
If I could snag your birthday wish and make it my own I would wish to be on a long car journey with you right now, singing! Those were some good times!
Allan is not only fun. He is funny! And he has a great laugh which I always love to hear.

He is also very bright. I think he got mostly A’s his first trimester of law school and never had to pick up a book to study. He doesn’t have to study for hours on end because when he reads it, he remembers it. (I bet he remembers dates pretty well too!) And this man knows his way around a book store and library! He knows just about everything, because he has read so darn much. But don’t let this lead you to believe he is some sort of book-ish nerd. Oh, no! He may have decided opinions on world politics but he also has equally strong feelings about the latest Coldplay album.

While we are on the topic of Allan’s reading habits, I would like to mention that Allan loves Charles Dickens. I could be wrong but I think he has read his all of his novels. Our family enjoys watching all the Dickens film adaptations, and while we watch Allan will say, “I think they departed from the book too much here – I prefer…” HUH? You mean this cool movie started out as a book?!
Allan is beloved by his wife and children. He is a family man through and through – and a very successful one at that. One thing I love about Allan, and a trait we share in common is our love for a tidy house. When he comes home from school/ work he puts his kids to work tidying and cleaning. I think this is totally awesome! One, I love his love for tidiness. Two, I love that he doesn’t make his wife keep it tidy. Three, I love that he makes his kids do it. Wouldn’t you love if your man came home from work and made the kids clean up?? Completely without a doubt wonderful!
Allan is one of the smartest people I know. Before law school he went to work for a little start up company, and while there he grew the company by leaps and bounds. He was telling me some of his strategies and what he advised them to do. And I was in awe. I think he was an English major in college so when I asked him where he learned all this stuff he said, “I just kind of had a sense of what to do.” For reals, the man has many, many talents.

He is married to a fine looking woman and they have three (very soon to be four) beautiful children. Allan loves babies and he loves kids. I think he’d love to have a family that reaches the double digits, if his wife will go along with him. One day out of the blue he started singing a song about his love for children, Summer wrote it down and put it on our family network, and whenever I think of it, I SMILE.
Here is is: (to the tune of Little mermaid)
“Look at my kids, are they so cute…I’ve got crawlers and walkers to boot…You want children that fetch and carry? I’ve got plenty…But who cares…No big deal…I want MOOOORE

They are pretty awesome, as far as kids go. No wonder he’d like a few more, says I!
Allan is a man of God. He is deeply devoted to his God and is a person of integrity. He works hard at whatever he does, but he works with particular love and dedication when he is serving the Lord, in whatever capacity he has been asked to serve.
Allan is also a man who inspires confidence. Just today when I spoke to him on the phone I thought, “This guy knows what is going on and how to get the job done!” I love him for many reasons, but most of all I love him for the good and honest man that he is, for the way he loves and cares for my sister and their children…and that he puts up with a forgetful and blubbering sister-in-law!
I sure love you, Al!
Posted in Allan, b-day, birthday | 5 Comments
March 23rd, 2010 by Eliza
Yesterday was my sister-in-law’s birthday. When I texted her on her special day she informed me that she was in the middle of making chocolate babka. How awesome is that?! You love her already, right?

Nikki is a woman of many talents. If you have a moment to spare, I would love to rave about her to you!
There are many reasons I love Nikki. But the first thing that springs to mind is that Nikki doesn’t take NO C***. Recently we had a family meeting and were all talking over goals and so forth and she said, “Now let’s do something about it, people!” Later Jan confided in me that he found Nikki’s enthusiasm and straightforward-ness, “Rather refreshing”. Nikks is a person who doesn’t do things half way; equally, she also doesn’t feel things half-way either. And when her feelings run strong and deep, LOOK OUT, suckaz! Just read this post of hers about her feelings re: New Yorkers who treat dogs as though they were children, and you will get a taste of what I am talking about.

Nikki is very athletic. VERY. She likes to do an iron man every now and again and run in multiple marathons and so forth. After giving birth to her son, and only staying one night in the hospital, she got out of bed and then walked right out the door. People kept offering her a wheelchair and she looked at them like they were nuts. I was about 8 months pregnant when John was born and as I watched Nikki leaving the hospital I thought, “Yeah! Me too! I am soooo walking out of the hospital – I won’t need a wheelchair either!” Squeeeeak, squeak went the wheels on my wheelchair a month later as I was (cough, cough) wheeled out of the hospital and didn’t walk for about three days after I got home. Who was I kidding! I am not Nikki. After all this was the woman who was running through Central Park at 9 months pregnant!

Nikki knows her way around the kitchen. I am so lucky that all the women that my brothers have married know what they are doing when it comes to food. It makes our Thanksgivings soooo very delightful! Speaking of Thanksgiving, Nikki and I share a common love for stuffing. Last year was a bit nuts and some of the things that we were hoping would be on our T-day table didn’t materialize. Like me, all Nikki really cared about was, “Will there still be stuffing?!” There was a gleam in my eye, that special gleam of understanding when I assured her that, yes, there would be stuffing. And we sighed a collective sigh of relief.
While we are on the topic of food I must mention that Nikki’s favorite food is chocolate chip cookies. She LOVES em! Which is nice, right – she may have abs of steel, but she still can chow down on a cookie like the rest of us! The cookies and the stuffing she does in moderation. Most of the time she is carefully preparing a gorgeous meal of locally grown produce and feeding her young son raw milk. She also makes a mean loaf of wheat bread, just in case you were wondering. And she is very well hydrated as she always carries a water bottle with her.

But don’t hate her because she is perfect, people! Seriously, I wish I could twinkle myself and be more like Nikki when it comes to fitness and general well being. She runs, rides her bike, does yoga. She’s awesome!

She is also a wonderful wife and mother. She is so true to Cameron and John. She just loves her boys. I wouldn’t categorize Nikks as “touchy-feely” person. But I tell you what, when John was born I loved watching him completely disarm and melt his mother. He made her go all gooey and cooey (in a good way!) And boy, is he one lucky guy because his mommy is awesome!! She loves John with true devotion, but that doesn’t mean that she will take any C*** from him! (Has anyone noticed how much I love and respect this type of mom? Loving but firm, and consistent. Nikki is up there with the best of them!) She does a tremendous job of teaching him how to be a delightful human. How to take naps, eat well and live life fully. He has got buckets of energy and luckily God sent him to a mother who also has buckets of energy. They are a great match!
Nikki is so good. She wants to do what is right. She has a testimony and she is devoted to God.
Nikki is a hot mama(as you may have noticed)- long blond hair, blue eyes and abs of steel (which I think I already mentioned once before – but come on, how many women do you know PERSONALLY who have borne children and can boast abs of steel – these abs must be celebrated!!)

Nikki is also a team player. The Kelly family, as in *my* family, is a pretty swell bunch of people – but we are also nuts, and downright frustrating to the in-laws at times. Nikki rolls with the tide – she goes with the flow and is a very, very good sport. I still remember two Christmases ago when we were all together she said to us, after she’d done the dishes for the umpteenth time, “I love you guys, but you sure are slobs!” Even now thinking of this makes me smile. It is just so Nikki – honest and as Jan put it, “refreshingly so”!

I love my sister-in-law – she is a winner! I have felt even closer to her lately and that has been a very big blessing to me. I feel that she has so much to teach me and there are so many things about her that I admire and would like to emulate. But of all the things she is and does I am most grateful that she loves my brother and my nephew…and even little old me.

Happy birthday my beautiful, kick-butt sis-in-law Nikki!
P.S. Ladies, quick question: would you go along with your husband if he tried to talk you into traveling across the country at Xmas time dressed like a Christmas elf? Nikki did and check out the results! When I was searching for pictures of Nikki and found this one I just HAD to include it. I still remember watching them walk through my parents’ front door at Christmas. Just makes me wanna sing a Christmas carol right here, right now! Isn’t this crazy and aren’t they DARLING?!

P.P.S Nikki, Jan is out of town and he usually edits my posts for me, feel free to edit this if you feel so inclined — thanks, friend! BTW, how did the babka turn out? If it is good, lets make that for our Babs (aka Betta K Kelly) some time, don’t you think that would be fun?
Posted in b-day, birthday, Nikki | 6 Comments
January 27th, 2010 by Eliza
Ah, me! The percentage of people I adore born in the wintry month of January is rather LARGE, is it not?

Amanda, whose birthday I will now celebrate, called me the day before her birthday to “let me off the hook.” She is a regular reader of this old blog and knowing my penchant for birthday tributes she said, “Just pretend like my birthday is another day!”
There is a phrase in Spanish that describes my feelings for Amanda perfectly – “Mi media naranja” – it is actually the English equivalent of “my other half” -but the direct translation is to say that the person is the other half of one’s orange. I have always thought this is one of the world’s cutest sayings. Amanda is an orange to me! She is like my tall glass of orange juice at the start of the day, talking to her always gives me a boost. She is like the orange at the bottom of my Christmas stocking, knowing her and loving her is an absolute TREAT. Further more, I believe that if Amanda were to be a fruit she would choose to be an orange, as she adores the color so! So media naranja it is!
The very first time that she and I were spotted hanging out together – one of AJ’s neighbors asked her, “Is your sister in town?” She was referring to little old me. Oh, how truly inspired that neighbor was. She was not the first to think we were related. In fact, I have lost count of the times that people have asked us if we are sisters. OR even more extreme when people have thought I was Amanda or the times that people thought Amanda was me. It is SERIOUSLY nuts.

(who’s who? This is tricky of me – but we switched babies, did we getcha?!)
I don’t mind one little bit being confused for AJ because I think she is a FOX. Please, confuse me for her any day of the week, dear people of the world. I believe her to be my superior in “the babe department” so it sends a thrill right through me when people think that I am her.
Let me tell you a little bit about her.

She is a wonderful contradiction of true self discipline and relaxed laid-back-ness. She lives her life with order and purpose, but she knows when to throw it all out the window and let go. For example, her house is always very tidy and orderly (and her kitchen floor is so clean I would feel comfortable eating off of it) and yet when something comes up or someone needs her help, she can let things go while she reaches out to the person in need. She raises her kids with a sense of boundaries and discipline, for example, how many four year olds do you know who ask their parents to take them home from a party because they are ready to go to bed? Just saying, this kind of thing doesn’t just miraculously occur. It is the result of training. Her self discipline has most recently manifest itself in her ability to loose over 50 lbs, I have actually lost track of how much she has lost. She has shed way more than those pesky “baby weight” pounds and I am here to report that she is looking gooooood!
She is REAL. What I mean by this is that when Amanda tells you how she feels about something – she is going to tell you the truth. I find this so refreshing. I feel like her commitment to honesty has given me the freedom and opportunity to try to be more honest myself. More than once I have been in a situation where I’ve had a choice of sugar coating something or just being straightforward and saying what I really felt – I thought of Amanda and chose to be honest! That is kind of awesome, don’t you think? Just the kind of thing you hope your friends will do for you – help you be a better human being.
She is devoted. If I know anything for certain, I know that Amanda has my back. That she will look out for my best interests and that she will defend me to the bitter end. When something horrible happens she’s one of the first people I call and equally if something wonderful happens she is right there at the top of my list of people with whom I must share my good news. She is also devoted to her family and to her God. She has always wanted to please God – even as a child, when for a time, those closest to her were fading in their convictions, Amanda stayed true to the gospel. I don’t know what else to say except that she is a rock.
She is funny. I still remember one time she told me this story where I laughed so hard my back started to hurt and Jan came up from his office to see what in the world was going on. I think I might have even fallen to the floor laughing.
Amanda is one of my style icons. I watch how she dresses and what she is doing and then I copy her. Actually I think we might be on some kind of clairvoyance in the style department as we are constantly buying the SAME things without knowing the other person has bought them. Whether for ourselves or our children – we are drawn to the same stuff. This makes a shopping trip ever so enjoyable. My idea of heaven is being at the Mall with AJ and other our bud, Emily – no kids in tow and laughing till we think we might pee our pants. The other crazy clairvoyance thing we’ve got going on is that we show up at church wearing identical outfits on a regular basis. I still don’t know how we do it, but it happens all the stinkin’ time. (This may be one of the reasons that we are always being confused for the other person.)

Amanda is a kick-butt mom. She is one of the very best, in my humble opinion. Her kids are awesome. Once I overheard some people talking about her kids and wondering, “Why are they so good?” I HAD to step in and say, “Umm, I think it may have to do with the fact that their mom is AWESOME.” Ya think? She is the kind of mom who doesn’t take any c***. She was very wise to marry Craig who is an equally terrific father. It seems to me like when the parents are on the same page the results are MAGICAL. I love their kids like they were my own. And that isn’t really saying much for me and my capacity to love – it is saying a lot about the QUALITY of the kids and the way they are being raised.

She likes to scare me on a semi-regular basis by telling me that her husband is thinking of taking work positions in foreign lands. In the early days of our relationship I would panic internally during these conversations – but on the surface I would try to remain indifferent and calm. Recently, there was another scare where for a brief moment it looked like her husband was considering making a move to a far away place. I think my heart stopped beating for a moment. I came flat out and told her, “I can’t be neutral. I am not a good sounding board for you on this one.” When she later told me that her husband had decided against going for the position all of a sudden I felt like DANCING!
Here’s the thing – I cannot imagine my life without her!
I love you, my little orange julius. I don’t know where I would be or what I would do without you!
Happy Birthday!
Posted in Amanda, b-day, birthday | 3 Comments
January 25th, 2010 by Eliza
(The month of January is a busy one for Birthdays, I tell ya.)
And today I am celebrating my dear and wonderful friend –
Neylan Gwyneth McBaine.

Actually, I have given her the middle name of Gwyneth because she really doesn’t care for her middle name. I remember when we were young (as in 15 years old or so) trying to tease the desired info out of her,”what is your middle name? tell me, tell me, tell me please!!!” She didn’t tell me for months – which was a big deal because we told each other E V E R Y T H I N G! Eventually she relented and told me. Personally I think her middle name is a perfectly delightful middle name, but I am not going to tell you what it is. Sorry. She really doesn’t like it and it is her birthday so I am not going to spill the beans. I want this tribute to fill her with joy, not tick her off.
I will tell you why I have chosen this new middle name for her. To me, she is the closest person I’ve got to Gwyneth Paltrow. She is the Gwyneth in my life. She was born and raised in Manhattan across the street from Lincoln Center (Just like Gwyn who was born and raised in NYC). She is a New Yorker through and through. (Just like Gwyn) Her mom is a beautiful famous opera singer who sang around 400 performances at the MET (just like Gwyn who has a famous mommy). She attended fancy schools, one you might have heard of called Chapin – which is the school that Jackie Kennedy attended. (Gwyn actually attended Chapin’s sister school a few blocks away called Spence – so again, just like Gwyn). Unlike Gwyn, Neylan actually graduated from college – but college is where she met her husband Elliot, who is, in my book, a rock star. (Again like Gwyn who is married to a rock star) She is also the only person I know, with whom I am on a first name basis, who owns a pair of those hip and groovy “booties”, at least I think that is what they are called.

Truly, Ney is cool. She just KNOWS what is going on. For example she knows where to eat, where to go, who is doing what, who is performing where, what the critics said, etc, etc, etc. She reads EVERTYHING, and then get this, she remembers it, calls or emails me and says, “Hey, I think this would be a fun thing to do.” and then I say, ‘Okay! I’m down!” If Neylan is around I know this much: fun will be had! Perhaps I should give her yet another middle name, Adventure – she could be like those Spanish ladies with a million names – Neylan Gwyneth Adventure McBaine.
I am liking it!!
The woman has, what seems to me, an unlimited reservoir of energy. She is constantly on the move. Not only is she reading everything under the sun – she is taking her three daughters (and me when I am lucky) to the museum, or the ballet, or the opera, or to violin lessons, or helping out with the PTA. Once, after returning home from a long journey to Europe, she called me and was wondering if I wanted to go to some far flung place in the city. “Didn’t you just get back from Spain?!?! Aren’t you tired?!?!” I asked innocently. Cricket – cricket. “Nope!”
She was still raring to go. All I could think was, “Caramba!”
Neylan Gwyneth Adventure Caramba McBaine – ay, ay, ay!!
In combination with this energy of hers is a great brain and massive drive. She likes to accomplish. She likes to have a project. She likes to work hard. May I show you her latest endeavor. It is truly inspiring –

This is something she has been working on for the past few months. It is so neat! I think because Neylan hasn’t ever lived the “typical” Mormon experience – not many LDS peeps are born and raised in Manhattan and own an Armani tuxedo at the age of 15 etc. Neylan has always marched to the beat of her own drum whilst remaining true to the principles of the Gospel. BYU Cougar she is not yet testimony she most definitely has. It bugs her hard core that there are so many misconceptions about our church and so she has done something about it. She has started this website as a place for people to go – both members of our church and those who do not belong to our church but are curious to learn more – to get accurate info about our people. And specifically she wants the world to know about the women of our church.
Just check it out. I DARE you not to be inspired by the goodness of these women. They are all so DIFFERENT and interesting and may I say, fascinating! (Yes I may, this is MY blog). Even when I went to the site to get the logo and the URL I had to tear myself away. “Must write tribute – must not spend the next three hours reading, crying and rejoicing in Neylan’s wonderful labor of love.” I think of this site as the equivalent of a bag of potato chips – you can’t eat just one! At least I cannot read just one. Please, check this out! You won’t be disappointed.
Neylan and I share a long **history** this means that we have seen it all, peeps! And through ups and downs and all around somehow we have remained friends. I owe this to her. She was the one who held on and kept reaching out to me when for a while I walked away. Because she kept the door open – there could be forgiveness. Thank you for being that brave.
Neylan and I met at a church dance when we were 14. I had spent most of my middle school and high school years lonely. I longed for a friend who would want to do the things I wanted to do, with whom I could share the things that mattered most to me, who would love God the way I did and wanted the same things from life that I wanted. I prayed many prayers for such a friend. And then I met her – in the gym at the Manhattan Chapel.

Oh, the times that were had! There aren’t many people with whom you could share the c0-presidency of the Kenneth Branagh Appreciation society, I can tell you that much.

We had many a sleep over, many a late night chat, many runs through Central Park – singing – yes, we sang, many trips to the theatre – where we met dashing actors who bopped us on our heads with a poster. This would carry on in our later years – meeting dashing actors, that is.
“Sigh no more ladies, Sigh no more!”
But sigh we did, and frequently. These were not sad sighs – they were the sighs that dreams are made of. We were romantics through and through.
No joke. We had fun. Perhaps we would have been laughed to scorn by other mightier cooler types. But we wouldn’t have cared, even if they did, we were too busy swing dancing at Lincoln Center, or reading Shakespeare or watching “A Room with a View”.
Neylan is a very talented concert pianist. I know this because I have heard her play many times. Sometimes I was in the audience and sometimes in my favorite spot – UNDER the piano. We liked to pretend like she was Chopin and I was George Sands (okay, we were cheesy, but come on! what’s a heart for?!?!) . If you ever get the chance to lie under the piano whilst Neylan plucks the ivories TAKE IT.
That is all I am saying about that.
Fast forward to 2010.

Neylan is also a dedicated mother to three beautiful girls. Girls that are loved by me and mine. Having posted about them at length in other places, I won’t go into it too much here. But these girls of hers are top drawer. (Me loves!!)

They are wonderful in the pattern of their own dear mother. Whose birthday I am honored to celebrate and whose friendship I cherish!
Happy birthday, Neylan Gwyneth Adventure Caramba McBaine! I love ya!
Posted in b-day, birthday, Neylan | 2 Comments
January 20th, 2010 by Eliza
I also say, Happy Birthday to her, for today is her birthday.

I suppose you will have noticed that these birthday tributes have become a sort of staple around here. What you would never know, unless you were Louise, is that she did one such tribute for me ever so many years ago on her blog. She had a blog L O N G before I even knew what a blog was and she sent me some serious love via that blog of hers.
It is from the seed of love that she planted for me many moons ago that so many other flowers have bloomed in the form of birthday tributes here on Dawsome. Thank you, my dear friend, for what your kindness has inspired.
So, to the originator of the birthday tribute, “Here’s looking at you, kid.”
A while back I asked Louise what her exact birthday was because, OF COURSE, I was planning on sending her some birthday love. She very humbly told me not to worry about doing this but then went on to ask if I would please write a tribute for her funeral! Oh, dear, NO! There is no way that I am going to wait till you are dead to let the world know what an awesome lady you are.

This got me thinking, it is a shame that we wait until someone dies to express our deepest feelings for them. In fact, I will go further, it is a shame whenever we resist the urge to express our love to anyone. Let the world take note: expressing love is always an act of courage. And when we hold back love, we hold back the best thing we have to offer each other.
So, dearest, English Rose, my sweet Louise – prepare yourself for some L O V E !!! (you have been warned – I plan to lay it on thick, but I won’t cry into your neck or anything that extreme remembering always that you are English).
Louise has one of the world’s most remarkable memories. She remembers E V E R Y T H I N G. And when I say everything, I mean everything. She remembers dates, poetry, scriptures – it is remarkable. She is just the person you want to have around if the Gettysburg address needs remembering, or a Shakespearean sonnet. I don’t know how she does it, but I, a person who cannot remember from week to week what I have committed myself to doing – be it play dates or dates with my husband – Louise, on the other end of the spectrum has committed the entire dictionary to memory. She is an absolute wonder!

Speaking of this remarkable gift – she has taken her talents – the aforementioned great memory,her smart as a whip-ness, incredible organization, and downright professionalism and made a career of them. She is a top dog personal assistant for the tippity-top dogs themselves. She has run hotels, taken care of famous peeps, thrown a “hen party” for Joan Collins, and kept the guys in pin striped suits on time. I wish that I could hire her to run my life for me. I KNOW she would make it run perfectly. She would make it hum like a fancy engine.
She is a person who lives very close to the Spirit of the Lord. She cares deeply about his will for her. She lives in a very deliberate way so that she can merit His guidance. Once she gets the direction, she follows it. More than once she’s taught me, through her example, about the kind of person I would like to be. She is patient. Patient and willing to learn the lessons that he would have her learn.
She has a buoyant disposition. At her core she is positive. This makes her an absolute pleasure to be around. Added to this, she has a laugh the size of KENT! If an opera singer can fill the Royal Albert Hall with their singing pipes, Lou could do the same with her laugh. She throws her head back and lets it go, friends! I love it. I think it is a mark of her ability to truly enjoy life.
She is a wonderful contradiction of English propriety – beautifully genteel, sweet and reserved – and an absolute hoot!! She has got ZIP, people, with a capital Z! She can have fun with the best of them.
Louise has a very kind and loving nature. She is an appreciator. She notices things and loves to delight in even the simple daily pleasures that life offers. She is also extremely bright, or clever, as they say on the other side of the pond and a very talented writer.

She is a wonderful wife. I love what a mutual friend of ours said to her on the day she married Jonathon. This friend was single at the time and he said to Louise, ” Johnathon is the luckiest man in the world.” He added that Jonathon would only remain the luckiest man in the world until he got married — single and funny, he was! But I must say that I just loved the sentiment he expressed because it is true. Jonathon married one of the kindest most selfless women on the planet. She is SO incredibly giving. I will forever remember at the height of her mono she ran us back and forth from one end of London to another helping us move stuff in her teeny-weeny little car. You are an angel, Lou – you really are.

She is also a whop-dinger of a mom. Completely devoted to her darling little girl – she is rocking the house in the mommy department! Not too long ago Louise and Jonathon were visiting us and they are so kind to each other and enjoyed each other so much – and they were so excited to have a baby. I remember thinking I cannot wait for these two people to have kids – they will be such a powerful team. Alas, I have not had the chance to meet dear Adelaide but I keep a careful watch on her through her mommy’s blog. One day! I hope soon we’ll finally get to meet this beguiling little fascinator! I feel confident that she gets what I call a “love shower” every day of her life – her mom, dad and extended family just pour the love down on this kid!

And look at her! What is not to love?! I’m in love with her too and I have never even met her.
Another thing I love about Louise is her open nature. She has always been aware and connected to her feelings. I have been impressed with her ability to analyze her deepest emotions. I am not saying that she is an open book, she keeps her cards close – but I really appreciate her ability to be aware of her feelings and her willingness to examine them. She does this a lot on her blog – and this is the main way that she and I stay in touch – so I am grateful for her honesty and openness.

Louise is a devoted friend. She is the kindest and best friend. I have never heard anyone say anything negative about her. She is so kind to everyone she knows – nobody has any dirt on her!
She is also a person who has overcome many challenges in her life and remained lighthearted and cheerful – you know that wonderful quote, “angels fly because they take themselves lightly” – that has always reminded me of Louise.
Sometimes I think you are too good to be true! You are loved by your friend Liza and I know I am one of a multitude of people who simply adore you.

Happy Birthday, my wonderful friend!!
Posted in b-day, birthday, Uncategorized | 3 Comments
January 7th, 2010 by Eliza
My sister Tess is 19 today. Her last year of being a teenager. Crazy, huh Tess?

I have posted many times about Tess as she was living with us last Summer. Here, here, here and here.
But if you’ll permit me, I would like to tell you a bit more about her. Because, to be frank, I love her. And celebrated she must be!
I have very vivid memories of Tess’ arrival to the earth – and as I tell you some of these details I think you will see why they are still so close to my heart…19 long years later.
I remember my mom going off the the hospital. I remember Cameron trying to crack jokes as she climbed into our mini van. My mom was so focused on the labor that she didn’t even hear him. He and I watched as mom and dad pulled out of the driveway and Cam mumbled under his breath, “I was so stupid! That didn’t help at all.” I remember lying in my bed that night – my twin bed across from Summer’s – with an unexplainable feeling of unease. I felt that something was wrong. Why I would feel such a way was a mystery to me. Tess was the eighth child to join our family. I usually felt only anticipation and joy in these circumstances. So this darker feeling felt so wrong to me. I was relieved when we got the call that the baby had been born and that all was well.

But the uneasy feeling remained.
Tess came home and was a delightful baby – but still, the feeling persisted – and finally it got to be so bad that I spoke to my mom about it. Because my mom is a rock star of a mom she listened and she did something about it. Imagine that, giving that much attention and credence to a 13 year old girl. She spoke to my dad and he gave Tess a blessing. He said that as he blessed her he could feel power flowing through him to his tiny baby girl.
A few days later my mom took Tess to her one week doctors check up. She hadn’t always been this diligent with getting her newborn babies to the pediatrician. At this appointment the doctor heard a murmur in her heart. This was the beginning of a time that my mom describes as otherworldly. A waiting time. Everything stopped – although the world carried on around us – for our family everything stood still.
There were problems with her heart. Big problems. A surgery would be needed and fast. The future was uncertain. Mom and Tess moved into a hospital room which they shared with another family who had a baby with a sick heart. A baby who died.
A friend at church came up to me in the hallway and asked me, “Is your sister going to die?” I don’t think he was being callous, I think he just wanted to understand. We all did. For the first time in my life it hit me: babies do die. I mean I knew this in a cerebral way – but I had never really had to face this awful reality. Some babies really don’t make it and would my sister be one of them?
Here is the craziest part. As all the horrible reality of her serious health condition came to light – the uneasy feeling started to leave – and another feeling made its way into my heart. A feeling of peace. I still remember how it came. I was in my bedroom thinking about my baby sister – in the hospital – praying for her, and wondering what would happen. I was putting something away in my closet and I felt the most beautiful peace wash over me. I felt that my grandmother’s spirit was standing next to me and the message that came to my heart was “everything will be fine.”
I am here to say that message was true.

Tess is still with us.
And Tess ROCKS!!

She is a beautiful contradiction.
Of all the kids in our family Tess is, by far, the most social. If you had told me this when she was little I wouldn’t have believed it b/c she was so painfully shy. But now, she has a billion friends. I can’t keep track of all of them. She has an ease with people. I think she doesn’t judge people by what is on the surface. She really sees them for their whole selves and she loves the best in people. She doesn’t sweat the small stuff. She takes life as it comes and really enjoys it. She is really laid back and yet she is totally responsible. She has FUN. She just knows how to have good clean fun. People are drawn to her.

As a little girl she was the MOST SHY of any of us. She would hide in the closet when company came over. When she got dressed for church and be looking her very cutest she didn’t want ANY attention. “Don’t look at me!!” She would say in complete earnestness. She was incredibly self aware and a bit nervous.

These days I’ve often wondered, “Does Tess ever worry?” I mean, she must. But I don’t think she worries very much. She just goes with the flow. If she has been asked to go to a dance – she is always so busy with other things she doesn’t mind my mom going out, and picking the dress out for her. Talk about NOT sweating the details!! And yet she feels things very, very deeply. In the few times when I have seen her let her emotions out – it is like a tidal wave of deep, deep feelings. The waters may seem still but under them there is movement, energy and mystery.
When she lived with us, and was helping me with the girls, I was really impressed by how even tempered she was. There were times when I was under pressure and very uptight. She just rode out all my passionate responses to the difficult situations with kindness and calm.
She enjoys life. She works at making positive changes in her life. She listens to advice and takes it to heart. She is appreciative and kind. She is hard worker.
She is also NUTS. In a good way. She knows how to have fun! And LOTS of it!

We also call her the niece and nephew whisperer. She is so great with the little kids in our fam.

She is such a good sport. She is a great listener. She is a great contributor (although as a kid she somehow always managed to get out of working when we were all cleaning up the house together). Oh, and one legendary thing Tess did along these lines was, once in primary, they were making Christmas coupons – where the kids would write down what they would do to serve and help and then the parents could redeem the coupons as needed. Tess famously wrote in the blank,
“I will help my mom and dad_____________” she filled in the blank by saying “I will help my mom and dad open soda.” Nice! So nice to know that when those soda cans needed opening Tess would be there to help the process along. My mom loved this so much that she left this little coupon taped to the fridge for months.

As a little girl she was VERY forthright. She just said it however she saw it. Sometimes this worked for her and sometimes this worked very much against her. Once someone tooted and as a tiny little girl she said, “Somebody smell bad!” She was right. And it was so funny. We borrow her saying to this very day in our family – when somebody smells bad.

(May I suggest you click on this photo to get a good look at Tess’ expression. It is SO Tess at that age! – somebody smell bad and she ain’t going for whatever it is that Brynn is offering!!)
Tess is very tech-y. She is a whiz when it comes to the technical side of life. Oohh! How she appreciates a good gadget and boy, does she know her way around a computer.
Tess is something of a romantic. She loves the romantic movies – and the cute boys. Despite the fact that she is rather no-nonsense she is still rather girly. The heart that beats within her – that heart that was saved – is full of feminine sweetness.

It is heart full of love for her family and friends.
A heart full of joy and wonder.
A heart that has embraced the gospel of Jesus Christ.
It is a heart that I adore!
Happy Birthday, Tess!
How can I ever find the words to express my gratitude to God that your life was spared.
That your heart beats on.
And that we get to enjoy you every day – and even take for granted your light and goodness.
I love you, little sis. Happy, happy birthday to YOU!

Posted in b-day, Tess | 4 Comments
January 4th, 2010 by Eliza
My big brother Cameron is one of my heroes.

I love him more than I can say.
Cameron has always been shrouded in mystery. I remember, at a very young age, longing to go where he went, do what he did, and drink in every word he said and copy every move he made. I have never asked him, but I wonder if he just wished I would stop bugging him.

Cameron has always been independent and rather private. I know he is vulnerable, because he is a human being – but he never seemed vulnerble to me. He seemed untouchable.

I actually owe my life to him, in fact make that I owe my life to him squared. Allow me to explain:
The first time Cam saved my life was when I got trapped in the dryer. This is a long story for another post, but, in brief, I was playing with my sibs, the dryer had a glass door which made for the perfect space ship. I was the playing the astronaut – (it really is a dangerous line of work even when you are only PRETENDING to be one) and after we counted down the dryer door slammed shut and the cycle automatically began. There was no handle on the door, it was an old machine so there was no way for my younger sibs to get me out. They ran to tell our parents who just ignored them but Cam decided he would check out what was going on. Guess what he saw when he peered into that dryer — well it weren’t no dryer sheets, I can tell you that. It was his sister Liza – wearing an expression of total fear!!! He took the screw driver that was used as a handle, pried the door open and saved my young life.
The second time he saved me was when I was standing on the kitchen counter and reaching for something in a cupboard above the stove – that was ON – and my long dress caught on fire. I panicked, but Cam with his classic cool, took my burning dress and doused the flames – like it was NOTHING!

Cameron was born to be a man. I think he was never quite happy until he was a grown up man. And what a man he is! Honest, kind, sensitive, loving, good to the core, hard working, talented, funny, patient and downright unique!
Some of the many things that I most cherish about Cameron are:
His sense of humor. In a world where humor seems to be used as a weapon, Cameron uses humor as a bridge and as a connector. I really noticed this when I took a writing class with him a few years ago. You know how there is always a “funny guy”? Well, Cam was one of our funny guys. He always had the entire class laughing, sometimes crying we were laughing so hard. But he never mocked anyone. He was never cynical or cruel or trying to be cool – the laughter he created was out of love and kindness. When he was in class there was a feeling of celebration and complete JOY.
I also cherish the way he respects the priesthood of God. There are few people whom I know who pray like Cameron does. We pray so much in our faith there is a tendency to rattle off hollow prayers – but not Cameron, every time he prays I can feel him reaching out towards heaven. It always makes me want to be more courageous and more committed in my prayers when I hear him pray. He also gives powerful blessings. I have been blessed to receive some of the most beautiful blessings by his hand.

He is a wonderful father and husband. I especially love to watch him interacting with his son. He is so patient and so good. Cam and Nikki are impressive parents. Their son has a wonderful, bright and lively personality – that is enhanced by the beautiful training he has received. I just love that little guy. Nature and nurture are working out beautifully in their Harlem crib! I still remember how relaxed and chilled out he and his wife Nikki were right after John was born. It was the most amazing thing I have ever seen.

He is a very, very hard worker. He puts in those crazy New York hours just like my dad did. And he is always doing favors for friends and helping people out. I don’t know how he finds time to do all the good that he does. A major contributor to his ability to do so much is his wife Nikki. I have been so impressed with the way she simultaneously supports him and challenges him to reach higher. They are a great team.

He is wonderfully talented – in a myriad of ways – but I especially love his screen writing. His screen play was one of the very strongest in our class. People were blown away by it.
He is one FIT BLOKE! The guy is turning 34 and has NO FAT around his middle!!! He bikes and runs and eats farm fresh food thanks to his lovely wife Nikki. I really admire and wish I could better emulate his healthy lifestyle. He also has a great bum, just ask Ian! (Inside JOKE!!!)
Cameron can also “sleep it off” with the best of them. If he needed to the man could lie down on the stone floor of Grand Central station at rush hour and fall asleep. I don’t think he has ever come over to any house that Jan and I have lived in and not done this crazy thing he does where he just lays on the floor – kids crawling around, and pandemonium everwhere and just fallen asleep. It is a real gift, crazy, but ever so useful.
I love you so much, Cam! Right down to your tapered khakis!
Happy birthday!!

Posted in b-day, Cameron | 3 Comments
January 4th, 2010 by Eliza
I don’t know how this happened but I missed my sister’s birthday. Well, I didn’t miss it exactly. I have a lovely gift for her here, made by Johnny Boden’s peeps, and I spoke to her the day after her birthday (as I was traveling across a large body of water on her actual birthday without a blanket or pillow) so those bases were covered. But to my horror I woke up the other morning to the realization that she did not get a birthday shout out on Ye Olde Dawesome.

Forgive me, dear sister. You of all people – one of the truest followers of this little blog- should be highlighted here on dawesome.
Brynn was born the day after Christmas. When my mom carried her though the door she was wrapped up in a huge stocking. If someone were to ask me what the best Christmas present I ever received – without hesitation I would say, that my best present came the day after Christmas -in the form of my little stocking stuffer of a sister Brynnie – winny!

Brynn, simply put, is one of my favorite people in the universe. She is talented, funny, bright, deep, good, beautiful, stylish, interesting, kind, and true. If you know her no doubt you’d be nodding your head. Perhaps an “amen” might have escaped your lips?

Brynn is the middle child which is to say she is SMACK DAB in the middle of a line up of NINE children. Every time I hear talk of “middle children” in general terms they always sound such a sad and pathetic lot. I have never understood this middle child phenomenon because of my beyond wonderful sister Brynn. When she was three years old she was such a hoot that she inspired a short documentary. STARING BRYNN & ALL ABOUT BRYNN. Just to give you a sampling of the content of this film at one point Brynn has a glass of “bubbly” while taking a bubble bath and ends the film by lip synching to Aretha Franklin’s RESPECT. Oh, how I wish I could show it to you, but it is only on a VHS tape. Boo!

When Brynn was a little girl her favorite thing to wear was a filmy pink negligee with spaghetti straps. The straps had to be tied in knots so that she could be covered up on top and not be constantly tripping over her choice of wardrobe and yet, it still trailed on the ground. I swear she wore that thing ever day for a year. I will forever have this image of her in the pink nightie wearing a boa. That is my sister B R Y N N, my friends.

Brynn was a force to be reckoned with, I tell ya! Just ask her brother Chas. He can tell you A L L about it. Boy! Did she know her mind. Middle child my foot! If you’d asked her she was running the show! Or at the very least she was running Chas’ life. “Come on, honey” she would say to him as she dragged him with her on all of her adventures. Oh, the times that were had!
Brynn was a scrapper. Once my mom was telling her off and called her by name, to which Brynn replied, “My name is not Brynn! My name is”Brynnie-Winny”!

That scrapper of a little girl, our dear feisty middle child, would be put to the test. All that gusto would be challenged. And for a brief time — that UGLIEST time of life known as MIDDLE SCHOOL — there were moments when we wondered if we’d lost her under a tidal wave of coolness.
Brynn was very popular. She had been running with the popular crowd since kindergarten. Which was okay until they started drinking, smoking, carrying on and shoplifting. Brynn’s friends became her whole world. She preferred them over our family — a great rift began to separate her from us and I believe from her truest and best self.

But by God’s grace she did the impossible. She realized what was happening, withdrew herself and her allegiances from the cool crowd, the result of which meant her facing their total and utter rejection. Meaning they completely STOPPED talking to her or even looking at her. This was in a small school with a small class of about 50 kids total. You couldn’t just drop your group of friends and then start afresh with another group. Your group of friends was your whole world and there was no jumping from one group to another. So from that point on she didn’t have any friends – and she took the road less traveled. The lonely road that goodness sometimes demands of those of us who are brave enough to take it. By some fateful chance I was living at home when this all happened. And I watched as she endured this time of heart ache. I also watched as miracles happened after the trial of her faith. The first miracle was that she was accepted into another school – and then a year later when my parents could no longer afford the tuition – an ANONYMOUS patron paid for half of her tuition. It was like something out of a novel!

I have REALLY good news – all that wonderful, bubbly, feisty, personality lives on in the elegant and refined woman who now wears a “Mrs” in front of her name.

Brynn is one of the most delightful people you will ever have the chance to talk to. She listens with intense energy. She has strong feelings about things which she will share with loving kindness.
She is a fantastically talented writer. If you read this blog you will have seen her insightful and beautiful comments. I wish she had a blog filled with her writing that I could link to right HERE. But alas, I have not been able to convince her how much the world needs her voice. (If you know her writing and would like to join me in my efforts to persuade her to get her stuff into the public domain, let me know and I’ll send you a “Brynn was born to BLOG” pin!)
Brynn is FUNNY. As in laugh till you pee your pants funny. She was in that BYU comedy troupe called Divine Comedy and I think she was swell, if you must know.

She is also a terrific actress. She can play an old Irish lady or a ditzy blonde to perfection. She is goooood people, and when I say good I mean GOOD! She is the self-proclaimed “Julia Roberts” of BYU – meaning she doesn’t “audition” she is asked to star in things. She has even been someone’s MUSE. But don’t get me wrong, acting goddess she may be, but one of her favorite characters to perform is a girl with a lazy-eye. Multi-faceted and mysterious! That is my Brynn.

She is married to a wonderful fellow, Ben. Together they make the most fantastic team. When they show up I’ve noticed that people smile more, and enjoy life more. Might be their general gusto rubbing off on those around them? Personally I think they are just magic together!

Finally I want to tell you one of the reasons I most love and admire my sister. She has struggled with a chronic illness for years. It has taken a huge toll on her. It has changed her life – in both negative and positive ways. Throughout this ongoing struggle she has remained positive, and downright delightful. I am not saying there haven’t been moments of true despair, darkness and struggle – it has been a challenge in the truest sense of the word. But she has kept and continues to keep her chin up. For this reason and for so many many more I love her very much.
In my opinion she is TOP DRAWER!

Happy (*belated) Birthday to you, my Brynn!
*P.S. “If your elder sister has offended think on your patent leather Boden loafers and all is mended.” I HOPE!
Posted in b-day, Brynn | 3 Comments
November 28th, 2009 by Eliza

Today is one of my very dearest friends’ birthdays (by the time I get this post finished it will be a belated b-day). I would like to tell you all a little bit about why I love Randall so!
I still remember the very first time I saw Randall. I don’t know why this memory of her is etched in my heart, but it is. I had been hearing about her as I was hanging out with many of her high school buddies. It was the first week of college – so you can imagine that it was a time of huge anxiety for just every one of the 30 thousand students on that campus nestled in the mountains. I had that horrible desperate feeling “must find friends” all the live long day. I remember looking down a long cinder block corridor at BYU’s Helaman Halls and seeing her. The girl who would, in time, become one of my closest and dearest friends. I remember her L O N G legs. She was wearing jeans and and long sleeve red t-shirt, and boots. Her naturally curly hair hit just below her shoulders and her arm was in a cast. She was standing next to her mom and she looked, well quite honestly she looked absolutely beautiful…and a little vulnerable. It is funny to think of her then – when she was an unknown quantity – as the last 15 years have brought our friendship through the peaks and valleys of what is often referred to as “real life”.
I have always loved Randall. Always. I think I was born to love her. She is a person for whom my love, respect and admiration has grown as I have gotten to know her better. I believe she is a person who God trusts implicitly. I say this because I have known some of the trials he has trusted her with. I don’t know a person who has been through more and has remained so lovely, so pure, and so completely devoted to God. When the time comes that the things that we have conquered are shouted from the roof tops and a heavenly cheer rises up, I hope to be one of the lucky ones who is given the chance to sing out everything that Randall has overcome. And I will do it at the top of my lungs, with all the energy I possess and with all the love I feel for this beautiful woman, who I am blessed to call my friend.
Until that day comes I will have to settle for singing her praises from my humble little blog.
Randall is a person who has taught me many important things – for starters she has taught me about forgiveness. She
has taught me the power of letting go of pain and letting God rest his hand on your heart. She has taught me about the power of the Atonement. More than once she has told me about how love really is the solution and the answer to most of the problems that we face. I believe her because she knows.
She is kind. If you were to meet her I think you’d be struck by her gentleness and her serenity. She is also a wonderful in the way that she listens.
Listening is always a mark of humility, and Ran is humble – I don’t think she has ANY idea just how wonderful she really is.
Randall is a deeply compassionate person. I have noticed that when we are having a discussion when I get crusty and adamant she is soft and caring. I really love her compassion. When I am with her I notice that her instincts always fall on the side of being loving, and her compassion always inspires me to try to be more this way myself.
She is willing to work very, very hard to do God’s will. I have rarely met a harder worker. She just keeps chipping away, no matter how hard the task – hoping, hoping, hoping and working, and waiting for God to come through. She has the lovely grace that comes to those of God’s children who have really learned to wait upon Him.
She and her husband, H.L. are two of my heroes. Their relationship is such a wonderful example to me of selfless love and giving. Because I have been known to be fiercely protective of my girl friends, who they date and marry is of great concern to me, I couldn’t have been happier that Randall and H. L. chose each other. He has been and continues to be such a fantastic husband and father. Together they make the most beautiful team.
Randall is fun. We have had lots of fun together. Just thinking about the crazy stuff we did as co-eds makes me laugh – remember how I always wanted to find a hot tub at around 1:00 am, WHAT was that about? When we couldn’t find a hot-tub we’d often settle for those random swings, do you remember that? How you let me sleep on your floor after we watched X-files because I was always so creeped out! Our search for the ultimate hair cut – we traveled to the far reaches of UT looking for that hair cut. You found an apartment for us and my room had clouds painted on the ceiling – that was awesome. You were my chauffeur b/c I still didn’t have my license. THE HUMILIATION! I remember you taking me over to the little shop where your wedding dress was. I remember they wouldn’t let you try it on so you sent pictures of you wearing to to me – with the bows and without the bows. You dropped me off at the MTC when I was mission bound. Colloquium class – that was a winner! The winner that brought you and H together. Viva Mexico! Staying up late into the night talking, and talking and talking…I guess some things haven’t changed!

Randall is impeccably stylish. I have always loved looking through her closet (with her permission, don’t worry!) She has always had a superior wardrobe. I remember someone once saying of her, “She always looks so good… and have you noticed, she always wears a belt!” I thought that was a funny thing to say – the part about the belt – but it is true. She always looks beautiful (even when she is pregnant- she doesn’t feel beautiful but she IS!!) She has a natural polish. Her tallness (those lovely long legs) and her light eyes and dark hair, those gorgeous cheek bones, and rosebud lips help the clothes considerably – but as ever, I think the inner beauty far outshines the exterior. But let me tell you, that exterior ain’t bad!!

Randall is a great athlete – for starters she is a great water skier, snow skier, basketball player etc and these days, as she isn’t playing on many sports teams, she has been working out at the gym. She has become something of a gym maniac. I have nothing but respect for her in this department.

(missing from this photo is Eliza May - sorry Ella, I should have kept all those Xmas cards your mom sent me!)
She is a wonderful mother. I remember once looking at a photo of her holding her oldest son, Jack. She was lit in such a way that she looked like she was sporting a halo. That is how I see her as a mother. I am not saying that she is perfect, but I know her heart – I know what she desires and I know her intentions – and they are BEAUTIFUL. She has fought so hard for her children – for their happiness and for hers.
I want her (and anyone who happens to read this post) to know just how much she means to me. I love her more than I can say!
Happy Birthday, Ran!
Posted in b-day, birthday, Randall | Comments Off on Me loves my Randall
November 25th, 2009 by Eliza

Is my mom.
And today is her birthday.
You ALL know what that means…
but what you don’t know is that I think this blog was born so that I could write a birthday shout out to “me ma”! When I was considering starting a blog I wondered what in the world I would write about. I thought about what I might enjoy writing and what my sisters (aka my audience) might enjoy reading…but one thing was certain. I was going to shower my mom with love on her birthday.
And now the day has come!

So, without further ado, please allow me to tell you a little bit about why I, for one, am sooooooooooooooo happy that Khaliel Kelly was born and why I love her so.
My mom:
is kind. She is selfless. Perfect example – only a week ago my mom took my crying baby out of my arms (after I had sworn, not at her, but in her direction) and stayed up with the little blighter all night long so that I could sleep. WHO DOES THAT? The only person in the whole world who has ever done this for me is my mom. She is remarkable in her ability to do this not only for me but for everyone around her. Case in point, as I was packing up and getting ready to leave UT for our trip back to NJ my mom fixed me and my girls lunch. Tuna melts, if you care to know, and they were rather “tasty jingles” to coin a Khaliel-ism. So, while my mom was – making us lunch, getting our suit cases loaded, (the very suit cases she’d helped me to pack) she also fed my two brothers, brought lunch for my dad and sister Tess who came with us to the air port. WHO DOES THAT?
I’ll tell you who, MY MOM!

People adore her. Everywhere I go I hear praise of my mother. “Oh, you are Khaliel’s daughter! I LOVE her.” I always smile and say, “Me too!” I am kind of proud of her. I feel lucky, no a better word is, blessed that I can lay some sort of claim to her.

But let me be clear, although my mom is one of the kindest and most generous people I know but she is no “doily carrier” – she isn’t soft spoken and she isn’t a push over. She is a woman of strength and grit. True story: Once my mom was in the car driving some of her many children hither and yon. She noticed that my brother’s best friend was being picked on by a really tall fat kid on our neighborhood streets. What would you do in this situation? Well, I’ll tell you what Khaliel did. She pulled the car over and got right up into the face this rotund human being and told him where he could go! Later she also got right in the face of the father of said boy. He must have been a few hundred pounds heavier, and a few feet taller. That made no difference, she also told him where he could go too.

Not only is she gutsy and bold, she is intelligent – I think she is intelligent in an academic way, an emotional way and a spiritual way as well. I once heard or read that wisdom is when knowledge is applied – I feel that this is my mom. She is a very wise woman. She has a true depth. She just gets “it”. She gets why she is on earth. She loves people. She cares for people. She listens to the needs of those around her. She is a counselor. She is always calling out words of encouragement and hope. She is not afraid to admit when she is wrong or apologize – even to us, her kids. I am grateful for this example, because it means that I too am able to apologize to my own children. Her humility and willingness to see where she needs to change is one of the coolest things about her.
She has tons of class – and yet she is totally down to earth. She is funny and very, very witty. She has great taste. She loves beautiful art, theatre, music and she taught all nine of her kids to love and appreciate the good stuff. She had the guts and wisdom take ALL of us into the City to visit fine art museums, see shows on Broadway, to hear poetry readings, to listen to interesting lectures. The interesting thing to me is that none of this was ever done in the spirit of elitism, it wasn’t ever haughty – rather she was teaching us to celebrate beauty and goodness. I am starting to see the fruits of her efforts in the projects that my siblings (all film or theater majors) are creating. I recently had the privilege of watching a documentary that my brother Chas made. It is about a boy in my parents’ ward who got into big trouble, went to jail, was converted to the gospel in jail and is now out and doing his best to hold on! The film is wonderful. I think it is not only a reflection of my brother’s goodness – but also a reflection of his mother’s goodness.
If I could show you the scripts my brothers and sisters have (0r are in the process of) writing you would start to feel the impact of my mother’s influence. Each is unique, but each shines forth with a special kind of love – a love of goodness, morality, decency. I think this comes right from my mom. We used to MOAN when she would dissect every single movie, TV show, and book that passed through our home – but she dissected with a real purpose. She was helping us to get to the core of what that piece of art was SAYING. It is because of her that I cannot read, watch or listen to anything without judging its moral content and ultimately its true worth.

My mom loves the Lord. She loves to do His work. She loves to read the scriptures. Any time I call her with a concern she has some deep and beautiful insight that she has gained from the scriptures to share with me (usually from that morning’s scripture study).
She is a wonderful teacher. People just lap her up! From little children to teenagers to grown-ups. She can get every last one of them, right in the palm of her hand. Currently she is teaching Sunday School to the teenagers in her ward. One of the boys, who she also taught as a belligerent primary boy is now one of her most devoted students. He told his dad, “Sister Kelly is THE MAN!” He even flagged her down last Friday night (I was there) to say “hi” while he was out with his cool, goatee sporting buddies. My friends, she has got it!
She loves and is completely devoted to my dad. And he loves her with equal devotion. They laugh together every day. When my dad was called to be in a BYU Stake presidency he was describing my mom to all the students in his Stake. The other two men of the Stake presidency who’d gone before him had mentioned their wives as “treasures”. My dad, well he said, “You are going to love Sister Kelly. She is NUTS!” He said it with love and he meant it in love. And he is right – she is lovable, and she is nuts.
Now I will try to tell you what my mom means to me, personally. I feel like a bit of a love glutton when I consider my mother and the relationship that I share with her. She means everything to me. If a few days go by and I haven’t spoken to her I feel totally and utterly lost. She is the first person that I want to talk to when something goes horribly wrong and she is also the first person I want to talk to something wonderful happens. It as though nothing, no matter how wonderful or horrible, is real until I have shared it with her. She just delights in the details – what the girls have done, what Jan has said, what wallpaper I have picked out, it doesn’t matter what I am doing – she just wants to hear all about it. And how I LOVE to tell her every last juicy detail.

This woman who gave me life, has stood by me in every trial, and been with me in every adventure – through it all she has been my truest and dearest friend. You couldn’t ask for a better mom. I love her more than I can say.

I love you mom! Happy Birthday

I adore you right down to your socks!
Posted in b-day, khaliel, Mom | 3 Comments