it's's's dawesome
July 5th, 2009 by Eliza

For the past four years we have spent our 4th of July in fabulous Provo, UT.

In 2005

It all began in ’05. There was a certain darling young couple getting married, which required a trip to UT.



Brynn and Ben were dating, Ben hadn’t clenched the deal but still appeared in the family photo as “Ian’s friend” – remember? Look at him, how smooth was he? Getting in on the family photos even before he was family. The man has chops, chops, I tell ya!

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and I weighed about 40 lbs extra. What glorious remembrances!

Millie could barely hold her head up, but there were were in UT swimming at Nan and Dan Dan’s pool. Millie and I skipped the fireworks that year. I still remember lying on one of Nan’s foam mattresses lulling baby Millie to sleep. Good times!



In 2006

We were back in Provo, lapping up the good times at Grandma and Grandpa’s house. Millie was feeling very patriotic. And check out my bangs! They were awesome.




In 2007

That is right! We were back in good old Provo.

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Loving that parade!

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Millie got her first SHORT hair cut. (And another tradition was born – Mill’s getting her hair chopped every time we go west.)

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In 2008

We packed up our grip, yet again, at hit the trail for Provo!


For more fun and frolics with the Kelly fam! (and a new and improved camera, apparently).

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So you can imagine how we felt this year when the Kellys were in Chicago. We didn’t know what to do with ourselves.

Cue next post!

July 5th, 2009 by Eliza

So for the first time since moving to the States we spent the 4th on the East Coast. In Jersey!

Luckily for us we have friends who have become like family (those who do not live in the “mother land” know of what I speak) and they were kind enough to come and spend the 4th with us.

And we had a marvelous time together!

But let me back up a bit…

The day began with a parade and a pony ride. Millie couldn’t wait to get on the pony, it was all she could think or talk about UNTIL she saw the pony. Then she wanted nothing to do with it.

The coaxing begins.




Jan whispers encouraging and pragmatic adivice. And after about 10 minutes…


We have contact!


And big smiles!

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And the report! “I did it! I did it! And the horse is called Buddy and he was so cute and soft…etc, etc, etc.”


Way to go, Dad! You got her on there.

Then came the obligatory cotton candy.


Nothing like a healthy lunch, says I.

And then we spent the rest of the time looking at how long the lines were and trying to decide what to do with all the tickets Jan had bought. Which made me grumpy. And stressed. After all it was the 4th and I was exercising my inalienable right to be really, really ticked off. Which Jan made sure to capture on film.



While mom was ticked Clara was darling.

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(I could just eat those little tootsies! You?)

After Millie’s lunch of pure sugar we followed this up with dessert. Mmmmmm! Dora on a stick, delish!


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Then we headed for home to prepare for our BBQ, suckaz!

July 5th, 2009 by Eliza

Couldn’t have done it with out this little darling. Beneath her hood were some charming burgers and dogs. And not the dogs that howl, you get me?


The grubbins…

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The decor…

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The hostess wore…

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Millie had three different outfits. By far the best was the one she came up with. Taking the left over decoration and turning it into a skirt.


(You get the idea, it was all tres festive.)

Best of all — the wonderful, wonderful, wonderful friends who inspired our little gathering! How we love these peeps!

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The Dads and the older kids went to the park behind our house to play some good old baseball.



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While the younger kids ran in the field and played in the dirt.



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This may sound rather bold but I believe that if Norman Rockwell was still alive and if he’d happened upon us he would have whipped out his paint and easel and immortalized us!
