it's's's dawesome


and he brought the best part of Kansas back with him!

When Millie woke up very early Friday morning – we are talking 3:00 am early. She came into our room and saw her dad and was THRILLED! (How do kids do this, I wonder? How do they have energy and exuberance right after waking up in the wee small hours of the morning?)

“Daddy! You’re back!”

Jan was excited too (but maybe not so exuberant) he hugged Millie and took her back to her room, and re-tucked her into bed. She asked him, “Did you say hi to Dorothy?” and “Was she so beautiful?” For Millie a trip to Kansas did not involve Sprint’s head quarters. All Millie knows of Kansas is the Wizard of OZ.

Because Millie’s dad understands the heart of his little girl. He brought her a special something…


She poked her head around the door to find…




Millie was pleased, but didn’t want to fully celebrate Toto’s arrival until she had tucked her tootsies into these shoes


She wanted to BE Dorothy. But wait, OH, NO!  they no longer fit – which resulted in some serious tears, but mom had an idea


A bow to match Toto’s


(dang it, moms are so awesome!)

Millie then declared, “Now all we need is the rest of the costume.”


Then there were more tears – but not from Millie


Clara woke up and those tears quickly turned to smiles upon seeing dad


She was delighted to be introduced to Toto


WELCOME HOME, DAD! (and welcome to the family, Sir Toto)


Father dearest, Allow me to welcome you home properly with poke in the nose!


We love you, dad!

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2 Responses to “Our Dad is BACK…”

  1. EmRuss Says:

    does Jan have on a Yankees shirt?? Your Boston friends may never forgive you for that one!!

  2. Bette Says:

    So cute! And your matching bow idea was pure brilliance, Lize. It totally reminded me of something mom would do. Genius.