it's's's dawesome


This fine AM we are hightailing it to the land of

high tea.

Where they say, “Happy Christmas”,  refer to Santa as “Father Christmas”


where they set their Christmas dessert


I am going to carry on posting from Jolly Old Merry Old England whist we are abroad.

Till then,




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3 Responses to “Leaving on a Jet Plane”

  1. Amanda Says:

    NNNNNOOOOOOOO! Come back, pretty please. We can totally recreate London here for you. We can go to the mall so we can “mind the Gap” Drew can pose as big Ben for hours, Lucy can be the Queen (the kid rules anyway), and Jackson can be one of the giant lions from Trafalgar square (which are actually quite difficult to climb on but that’s a story for another day) put it all together and you’ve got a Piccadilly circus. Think about it.

  2. Khaliel Says:

    Oh, you maka me to laugh!!

    Hightailing it to the land of high tea! It’s too tremendous!!

    I can’t wait to hear and see all about all of it. I just hope you have a good time at this sleep-over.

  3. emruss Says:

    Ta duck!! Have a very happy Christmas!!