it's's's dawesome

You ready?

I swear, it is really good.


Now, I have got your attention, eh?

It is called,


Now before you stop reading, my friend told me about this guy she knew who lost weight, we are talking multiple pounds, from eating only GELATO when he was living in Italy, so please don’t give up on my diet yet.

All you need are:

1. good friends who bring you cookies

2. an appetite

(TOP TIP: don’t share them with your spouse or children if you can manage to get away with it. If you must share, take NO SHAME in eating your child’s left overs. Remember – this is all you have to eat and you can’t cook so be a scrooge about it.)





Any cookie will do, but it helps if they are REALLY DELICIOUS, have your name piped in frosting across them, and if they come wrapped beautifully that is also a bonus.

Once you have the cookies –








E N J O Y !!!!

P.S. To the bakers of these cookies – we LOVED ‘EM & if you must know we LOVE you even more!!

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3 Responses to “Great new diet plan to help you get through the Holidays”

  1. zina Says:

    oooh I LOVE the cookie diet, I’m totally on it, although, from the way my pants fit this morning I think it’s having the opposite effect than I’d hoped! Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog, and dear Millie’s condolences. I love you all so very much and think you are the tops! I’m thinking Sunday the 3rd for a NJ visit? xoxo

  2. Khaliel Says:

    I have been on this diet for much of my life. Thanks for clarifying a few things for me, though. I’m afraid I tainted it by occasionally having other foods. So stupid of me! But now you’ve set me straight, I know I’m in for a BIG weight loss this season.

  3. Amanda Says:

    I’m sort of jealous of the Amanda who enjoyed this diet three days ago. It’s over. sniff,sniff