it's's's dawesome

Just the other day Jan was recounting to me about a study, recently conducted, where they discovered that people who muli-task end up doing all the tasks, which they are attempting to do simultaneously, BADLY.

Man, I could have just told them this! (I sure hope they didn’t spend a boat load of money to conduct this study.)

Case in point: ME

The other day as I was helping Millie put a super girl costume together while…talking on the phone, tidying the house, and attending to the needs of my almost one year old baby…In the midst of this flurry of activity, otherwise known as, “multi-tasking” I got distracted and one of the tasks only got half way completed.

See if you can spot which task only got half way done.


I thought for sure she’d crawled out of her diaper or somehow managed to muscle her way of out it.


Nope. Upon further investigation I discovered that the soiled diaper was wrapped up like a little football and  next to it was the diaper which never made it onto Clara’s sweet bottom, right where I’d left it.


That’s what I am!

To multi-tasking mediocrity.

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2 Responses to “Multi-tasking”

  1. Tess Says:

    Clara has a cute bottom though! 🙂

  2. Emily Russ Says:

    oh, that is AWESOME!!