it's's's dawesome

If you feel like being inspired, have an hour and 16 minutes to spare and can endure a few “f” words then check out:

In Compton CA two tenacious teachers, 25 students with NO BUDGET put on “Our Town” in their high school cafeteria. The last time the high school mounted a dramatic production was 21 years ago. You can feel how awesome it is going to be, right?

I love this play. And I love that it meant something to these kids and their community. I don’t want to give anything away but want to say that there is something so powerful about taking the classics into the inner city — I think it is when they most SHINE. As if truth is being handed a mega-phone.

You will love these kids.

I remember hearing a program on NPR where a group of inner city high schoolers were putting on Hamlet and they played a segment of the “to be or not to be” speech. It made me weep. This boy understood Hamlet better than most fancy actors I have seen in the part. His life demanded that he ask that question daily and hourly…to be or not to be.

Good stuff, this!

You can stream OT: Our Town on Netflix.

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4 Responses to “OT: Our Town”

  1. Khaliel Says:

    I want to watch it TODAY! Thanks for the tip!

  2. Zina Says:

    Adding it to my NetFlix queue NOW. Lize have you seen “Hobart Shakespeareans”? It will make you weep from start to finish- fifth graders in inner city LA who are all ESl kids learning and performing Shakespeare, and a teacher who is so Christlike in his willingness to sacrifice for others. CHECK IT OUT (unless of course you already have, and if that is the case it just further proves your excellent taste in everything).

  3. Summer Says:

    Eliza and Zina THANK YOU I can’t wait to watch both!!!

  4. Brynn Says:

    Say word. Adding it to the queue, too.