it's's's dawesome

On Sunday we went to church. To the very building where I first saw Jan. As I was walking the halls with Clara I came upon the very spot where I saw him. It always makes me feel rather nostalgic to be there, in that place, where I fell in love with the person who is my husband. And why is it when you go back to a place from your past it always looks SO MUCH SMALLER? I haven’t grown taller or changed physically (that much) and yet it seemed so much smaller.

Hmmm, I wonder why that is?

After church we went to the Natural History Museum. It was a must see as Millie is very into dinosaurs these days.



It was fun.

Clara was in heaven!

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This guy didn’t make it onto Santa’s sleigh this year, but don’t feel bad for him he still got his Christmas wish…



Good times for all at the museum!


Following the museum we ducked into a crepe joint and paid about 40 dollars for three crepes.


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After Millie ordered a crepe with only chocolate chips (she specifically said she didn’t even want butter, JUST chocolate chips) we watched it being made, she ate half of it THEN turned to me and said, “Mom, guess what, there is chocolate in the middle of this pancake!!”


After our London adventures we packed up our grip and headed to Bath.

Where we are having good times currently.

In fact, speaking of bath – I can hear my little munchkins splashing away in one right now.



(This is them in London, but you get the idea…)

Must go back up their dad!

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