it's's's dawesome

Now that the weather is starting to turn chilly – I pulled down the creaky ladder that leads to our attic, made my way passed all of our nick-knacks and paddy-whacks, back toward the bins that hold all of our warm stuff and pulled out some of our winter woolens.

Here we have Millie in her hat and gloves –



And here is Clara in Millie’s old coat and hat.


The hat is particularly special.

When it is worn high on the head it makes Clara look like the pope. But when it is pulled down tight over her little noggin she looks like a 1930’s American football player.


She doesn’t mind as long as she can chew on it.

Keep warm, my peeps!

[this is how Clara got those warm clothes on:]

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4 Responses to “Warm Stuff”

  1. Chas Says:

    The pope comment/picture made me laugh out loud. Too funny! I can hear her new catch phrase now: “Claras Benedictus” eh? eh? 🙂

  2. Tess Says:

    The winter woolens! Hooray!

  3. Brynn Zimmer Says:

    Liza –

    Have I told you lately that I love your blog? Have I told you there’s nothing else above it? It fills my heart with gladness. Takes away all my sadness. It eases my troubles – that’s what your blog does.

    Just thought you should know.

  4. Bette Says:

    Pretty sure you should look into Millie being a baby Gap model. She’s not only so dang cute, she also is so dang cool. I hear they’re doing open casting calls or something. Jussss sayin.