A little birdie called me last night and left a message on the answering machine to let me know,
that today is Karen’s birthday.
And, quite frankly, Karen is a person I just have to CELEBRATE. In fact, I might need to request emergency assistance because there may be a love explosion if I am not careful here.
Shakespeare wrote that “beauty lives with kindness” – and in Karen, this truth is realized. Just look at that golden face of hers – can’t you just feel the goodness?! She is as good as she is beautiful. She is a wonderful friend, a fantastic mother and a down right awesome human being.
She is good fun and funny to boot!
Don’t hate her but…her children are polite (and have EXCELLENT phone manners), her house and automobile are always immaculate, and quite frankly she scatters sunshine every where she goes! (She might be cringing as she reads this because she is so very modest) BUT IT IS TRUE! And here on Dawsome the truth gets spoken.
I love Karen because I just feel like she gets it. She gets why we’re here on the earth. She knows how to give love. She constantly shows love for others – I always feel so loved when I am with her. I always feel understood and like she is 110% on my side. And she is not ashamed to show her love for the Lord. I respect and love her so much for the way she lets her testimony be known. It just beams out of her.
Her heart is so tender and so good. And her feelings often bubble up to the surface in the sweetest ways. For example, when Millie gave her first talk in primary, Karen was there and when I looked over at Karen after Millie was finished, she had tears in her eyes. Is that a true friend or what? Like I said, she is just right there with you. What a gift she gives to her friends- the love and support she is constantly throwing out to those of us who are blessed to know her are like life lines.
I have the tremendous blessing of not only knowing and loving Karen, but I serve with her in the church. She is the primary chorister in our primary. And man, she rocks it! Every week I stand back in awe as she comes up with some new and creative way to teach the primary songs. But it isn’t flashy or showy – behind every creative endeavor beats the
heart of someone with a true testimony of the gospel. She really teaches the gospel as she teaches the songs. She gives it her all – and I can’t even begin to tell you how much her service and her effort means to me.
I also love to have her in our primary meetings. When I look over at her she nods furiously. She hasn’t done this, but I feel that she understands so well what I am trying to convey that I keep waiting for her to say, “Mmmmhumm!”, “That’s right!” or even “Amen!” as I am talking. Oh, how I love her for this!!!
She makes my life so much better and more wonderful just by being my buddy. I feel like she helps me to be a better person.
Oh, and Karen is a wonderful cook. Once we had Karen and Ryan and their kids over and I somehow managed to ruin a crock pot meal – you didn’t think that was humanly possible, right? Well, I managed it, somehow. I am not kidding – ask Jan, the man who doesn’t exaggerate and even he’ll tell you it was bad. Anyway, Karen offered to bring the salad that day and boy, am I glad she did! It was so delicious. It was the best thing on the table. Karen, being Karen, will say otherwise – I was just grateful that we had something good to eat when they came over, if you know what I am saying!
As nice and kind as Karen is right to her very core – she is totally down to earth and real. I can always tell her what I am feeling and thinking without the fear of being judged. Even though I am pretty confident she is ten times the woman I am – I never feel like less when I am with her. She makes me feel like a million bucks! She is the kind of friend who will laugh with you, or cry with you or whatever you need. She is in-tune and on board for the the ride.
Oh, Karen, I just ADORE you. Thank you for the beauty and the kindness you have brought to my life. You are a treasure. With a capital “T”!
Happy Birthday to you (and the same goes for that much OLDER husband of yours…a little birdie told me that it was HIS birthday this week too!)
I am soooooooooooooo grateful that you were born.
Happy Birthday!
October 8th, 2009 at 11:31 am
Dear Eliza,
Thank you for your wonderful friendship, your kind words, and the BEAUTIFUL bouquet of flowers you delivered this morning. I truly love you! Thanks for making my day so sweet. Thanks again!!!
October 10th, 2009 at 6:31 am
Ditto, Ditto & AMEN sista! Karen rocks it!!