it's's's dawesome
August 15th, 2009 by Eliza

Seven years ago

you & I

took a leap

(a calculated risk)

with our parent’s blessings


God’s promise to help

we gave up


the dream, the ideal, perfection, greener pastures etc. etc. etc.


we made a choice.

I chose you


you chose me

(an excellent choice)

but still as excellent as that choice was deep in our hearts we knew


we were not.

In fact,

only moments after tying the knot


was needed.

(we can laugh about the Tickled Trout now…)

We chose to sign up for


and come what may

to stick with our choice.

What a gift that forgiveness is at the heart of that choice.

When you’re not perfect (i.e. every last one of us on the planet earth)

you need that pretty bad,

** forgiveness **

and I wanted to thank you for forgiving me every day


for loving me

even though I am


from perfect.

As the days have become years I am so grateful

for that sunny August day,

(MY wedding day – inside joke, giggle, giggle)

when I promised

to be committed to




and you said,


in your charming, reserved English way.

happy anniversary.


Mrs. Jan Dawson

PS Special thanks goes to Tess – “the technical wonder” – this would NOT have been possible without her much needed assistance and expertise. Thanks Tessy-boo!

P.P.S. For anyone watching this who isn’t Jan and who might be worried that there is no sign of a Temple anywhere, rest assured – we were sealed in the temple, the Preston Temple. But the official photographer was not there – and when our wedding day actually finished and we emerged from the Preston Temple it was 9:00 pm. We snapped three very grainy pictures that didn’t make it into this anniversary slide show for Jan.

By English law we had to be married civilly – hence marching down the aisle and so forth.

All Kosher, I assure you.

August 11th, 2009 by Eliza

While you were having important meetings with clients in the balmy Bay Area…we went to the Cloisters. Home of the famous “Unicorn Tapestries”.

We spent the first hour or so enjoying the gift shop…

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How do you like your unicorn? On a Tapestry, in a snow globe, or perhaps, like Clara, you prefer it up your nose?


If only you could have heard the bizarre and wonderful world that Millie conjured with the toys while we waited for our buddies to arrive. I snapped the photo of her below telling me ALLLLLLLL about it. Unfortunately, I can’t remember the particulars. But it was SOMETHING SPECIAL!


In case you’re wondering – Clara is NOT a fan of Medieval music.


When we’d had enough of the gift shop we went out side for a snack. And low and behold, there, coming up the hill were our buddies!  Neylan and her bevy of fair maidens…

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The poor things! Their car wouldn’t start so check it out: they took several subways and then walked – a fair way – it took them an hour and a half to reach the museum because they live in Brooklyn.

I know.

And Neylan was wearing these!!!!


Unstoppable. Unbeatable. Unbelievable.

That’s my Neylan!

These ladies were in serious need of JUICE BOXES!

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Luckily we had some on hand.

Then it was museum time, baby!

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We spent most of our time in the court yard area. Yes, the best museum for a group of little girls under the age of five is one that is actually more like a park.

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The light was perfect.

And you know what that means, Jan.




Work it, Auden.


Show me love!



Auden, what happened? You were really working it only moments before.

Eventually we decided we’d better go INTO the museum.

(Ya, think?)


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“Oh, my gracious! Aurther Miller.”

No, actually it is the Medeival version of Esme, Auden and Millie.


Those Medieval moms may not have had to deal with car seats, but I am thinking that doing those hairdos must have been a beast to rig up every morning.  The one on the far left looks like she is saying, “WHATEVER! Mom you are so LAME.”

I know that look.

But Jan, it got even better….

Check it out! It is the WANDERING MINSTRALS!!!

(cue “Greensleeves”)


Tess had to get in on this, and you know why!


“We seek only a place to rest our weary heads.”


The light wasn’t great indoors, but the real reason why this is so blurry, is because I was laughing so hard.

So, babe. I am not going to lie to you –  our trip to the musem took it’s toll on me.

But then, I look at this picture. And sense that something really good is happening.


That is your daughter. Right in the mix, with the grown-up peoples, checking out the art, like she owns the joint.

This is the reason I do this.

This and because Neylan says, “Come on! Let’s go for it!” When I say, “Don’t you want to just hang out at the pool?”

Cricket, cricket.

“All right!” I say, remembering that last time Neylan said, “Let’s do something new” we ran into People Magazine’s “Sexiest Man of the Year”.

Good times.

And crazy.

Crazy. Good. Times.

We hope you are having your fair share of crazy. good. times. too.

Cuz if you are not I am not sure your trip is worth it cuz we are missing you like crazy.

So come home soon!


Your Girls


I had to bring these girls back! They are just “too tremendous”. And besides, I didn’t get a photo of myself, so lets pretend like I am the one in the middle, Millie is the one on the right and Clara is the eye rolling wonder, on the left.

August 7th, 2009 by Eliza

This goes out to Lou and my mom.

Here is the Pasta with Chick Peas Recipe –


I know this is weak sauce of me but I am tooooooooo tired to type this all up.

Mom, just click on the picture, it will get bigger. But it can get even bigger so  click on it again and then it should be legible. If it doesn’t work, call me.

It comes from the cook book that is currently dominating the Dawsons’ dining experience.

Confession: I have a little crush on Jamie Oliver. I think he’s cool. A good cook and he seems to be a really good guy too.



I went to our local farmers market yesterday, and got a bunch of stuff without any idea of what I would make.

I came up with this and it was pretty delicious. And healthy. So I thought I would chuck it into the mix. In case you were interested.


In a bowl combine:

artichoke hearts, fresh tomato, sweet onion, garlic & a glug* of good balsamic vinegar.  Heat mixture up in a pan with olive oil until the mixture is warm. Put aside.

take a loaf of crusty bread and cut it in half.  Drizzle with good quality olive oil and a little salt – in same pan toast the bread.

Once the bread is toasted to your liking  put some fresh mozzarella on bread, the artichoke mixture and a little arugala.

You won’t be sorry that you did.

(* that is what Jamie always says – giggle, giggle – I want to be cool like HIM! I’m trying pretty hard, is it working?!)

August 7th, 2009 by Eliza

I wanted Allan to see what beautiful goodness he sent his wife for her 30th birthday.



(This white rose is so pretty – I would like to sleep in it. I could just wrap myself up in those petals!)

Allan sent Sum a gorgeous bouquet of flowers a few days before her birthday so that she could enjoy them while she was here. Wasn’t that thoughtful? And wasn’t it kind of him to watch Lincoln and Atticus for six days while Summy romped all over tarnation with us?


Thanks, boys!

The morning of Summer’s birthday I went to Whole Foods. In search of some tasty jingles and some flowers.

I wanted flowers inspired by the birthday girl’s personality. I was tempted by the gladiolas. They figured rather prominently in a film we made together in our teens: the Kenneth Branagh Fan Club Show, but, alas! I don’t have a vase to accommodate a flower that tremendous.

So I went with these –


Bold, exuberant and colorful – to me, these flowers say – S U M M E R!

The original plan was to bring Summer breakfast in bed. But when the bed happens to be an air mattress, I don’t know, that just doesn’t seem right.

Besides Summer was up before I could get breakfast organized.



So we had her special birthday breakfast around the dining room table.


This was supposed to look more parfait-ish, but I guess if the yogurt is organic it doesn’t have any of those nasty chemicals to give it that perfect  fake creamy texture.


Our breakfast was continental: Lemon yogurt, mixed berries, crusty bread and hot chocolate.


There is something so inexplicably right about hot cocoa and bread. What it is? It is the perfect combination!

Summer had two requests:

1. She wanted to blow out candles.

2. She wanted to write.

(She makes Beauty’s request for a rose, in the classic tale, seem extravagant, no?)

I made sure that she got her candles right out of the gate.


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Following breakfast she opened her gift.


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Then we headed off to fulfil the birthday girl’s second wish.




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Four hours we worked away on our screen plays. We had fights, we had had fun, we had high fives. In fact, at one point I was so excited when Summer figured out a solution to a problem in my screenplay I high fived her so hard I almost hit her in the face.

We are Kelly women.

This means we are passionate, enthusiastic and OPINIONATED.


It was a lot of work and a lot of FUN. Now that we are in our 30s I feel like we are better at collaborating, maybe?

I hope.

What do you think, Sum?

At any rate – we both enjoyed working on the each other’s projects – why is always so much easier to work on someone elses writing?!

We were edified by the whole experience – mucho.

Meanwhile back at the ranch Tess was holding everything together. (Bless you, Tess!)

We scurried home, had dinner and got everything ready before the rest of the fam arrived.


(more Italian feastings for Sum’s b-day din din)

Cam, Niks & John arrived first.

Then Ian and Allison followed.

With them they brought several important boxes from La Renaissance.


Which contained Summer’s birthday cakes.

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Happy birthday was sung –


Wishes made, candles blown out –


carbohydrates consumed!

Summer wanted to take a photo of everyone.

We took a million, but here is a sampling of my faves,


straight forward.


everyone looking at Eno.

I call this one, Sisterly Affection…


Nice legs, ladies!




(BTW, Bette, Ian is a reformed weak hugger – just ask Tess.)


the end.

& happy birthday to you,

Summer Pixton

P.S. I don’t ever watch other people’s movies – but I am putting this up because there are some inside Kelly Family jokes that I KNOW my family will love. So here is us singing happy b-day to the b-day girl.

*Just to keep you from thinking I am the worlds biggest dingbat I had Jan give me a  little refresher course on my old roman numerals – I knew it was something about subtracting and adding, I just couldn’t quite remember how it all worked.

I was going to write XXX for Summer’s age, but it looked…well…it looked nasty. Like the rating for a dirty movie.  So I didn’t. But if we were all living in ancient Rome -you better believe I would have been showing off my mad numeral skills.

August 4th, 2009 by Eliza

(all of the sudden I can’t remember my darn Roman Numerals – what is up with that?!)

Highlights from today and yesterday include the following:

Please note the delicious dinner I made.

Healthy and tasty.

Pasta e ceci – or for us non-Italians, Pasta with Chick Peas.


If I could I would eat three bowls of this right now.

And the not so healthy dessert I made


Something weird happened to the crust of my Mississippi Mud Pie.

Fellow foodies, what do you think might have gone wrong? The crust wasn’t crusty it was soggy and nasty. Hmmm?

Monday night means Family Home Evening around here.

Millie conducted the meeting and lead the music.


Her exact words were, “Everyone look at MEEEEEEEEEE.”


Jan taught an excellent lesson on empathy – or doing unto others as you would have them do unto you.

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Then Khali and Millie lead us in a closing song.


T’was grand.

Today was a quiet day of playing around the house



working on a rubik’s cube


and writing screen play-ness


All was quiet


I turfed Summer and Khali out.

Telling them it was “now or never” if they wanted to go to the MET. So they jumped on a train and went into the city.

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(photos taken from Summer’s iPhone, which is to say, Allan’s old iPhone. Jan has promised me his iPhone, when he upgrades, so I am just biding my time until like Summer, my man’s phone shall be my phone -mwa, ha, ha)

They came back hashed and happy.

They city has a way of doing that to you.


I was hashed too and I didn’t go into the city — ugh!

Until tomorrow!

Keep it real, mis amigos.

August 3rd, 2009 by Eliza

Was born today.

August 3rd, 2009.

On her grandma’s birthday.

I haven’t met her yet but her mommy assures me that she is


from her mop of brown hair right down to her little toes.


Welcome to the world, my little friend.

I can’t wait to meet you.

Congrats to your daddy, Ted and your brothers Conner, Ben, Andrew and your very excited big sister, Audrey.

And please tell your mama that I am VERY proud of her and bursting with happiness…

because you are here.

August 3rd, 2009 by Eliza

Sunday, in it’s own special way, almost killed me.

I was exhausted.

So exhausted that while I was playing with Clara

I fell asleep

right there

on the dining room floor.

(Must have been going to bed at midnight the night before, being woken up at 3:30 by my baby, then getting up at 6:30 with my other daughter, running our ward’s primary, coming home making lunch – you get the picture).

With all that going on the theme of the day ended up being FOOD.

It was Fast Sunday – so we all had food on the brain.

Are you interested to hear what was on our menu?

For lunch I made Pasta alla Norma – it looked pretty, but didn’t taste awesome. I mean, it was okay, but it wasn’t a show stopper.

That’s alright because the dessert I made… was.

(more on that later)

We grown-ups have a standing tradition -Sunday Night Nachos for dinner.

For the girls I made a “scrumptious dinner” – that is what Millie calls a meal which consists of cheese & crackers, grapes, apples, yogurt w/ strawberries atop.


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I am not sure that this is actually interesting, but as I have pictures of it, I will tell you ALL about it.

Since there are photos, all of the sudden, you care! Am I right?

For dessert I made

wait for it

chocolate creme brulee



It was very, very nice.

Summer said, “Hey, Liza, get a shot of me taking one of these away.”


So I did.

While we’re on the subject of Summer. Check out what she is wearing. It is the sweetest hoodie of all times. Every mom should have a hoodie like this one.


Practical, every day wear – but feminine and lovely.

She found this winner at Antrho while I was trying on the crazy green number. I know you remember that crazy green thing – how could you forget it?!  In case you are trying to forget it or block it from your memory, here it is again.


Man, I look like a demented leprechaun. That or I might get asked to help those three little munchkins in the Wizard of Oz  represent the lolly pop guild. YIKERS.

While we were celebrating Summer’s awesome purchase I wanted to capture it on film and she wanted to pretend to be an Anthro model.


I think she does a pretty convincing job.

After the photo shoot Summer ran upstairs to tell the little girls some bedtime stories.


Summer is an awesome story teller – she makes the stories up as she is telling them.


(I just love the look on Khali’s face in this one- “awe, mom! you’re the greatest!”)


One of Summer’s original tales was about a girl who swallowed a cranky bean and her ensuing adventure as she tries to find a way to be happy again.

Pure awesome.

And that, my friends, was our Sunday together.

If we could send you a post card it would read,

“Having a swell time. Wishing you were here.


us girls”

August 2nd, 2009 by Eliza

Good news! the plane was not “deleted” and Summer and Khali arrived safe and sound, albeit at 1:00 AM ! Their flight was a little delayed but it all worked out. You see, when you have a Starbucks at the airport a little delay can be melted away into the bottom of a tall hot chocolate. (Don’t forget the whipped cream…mmmm!) At least it can be when you have an awesome mom like Summer.

Millie was thrilled when Khali poked her head around her bed room door!


They giggled and squealed until 2:00 am when I had to go into Millie’s room and force them to bed.

They were up first thing in the morning – playing their hearts out!

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We peeled them out of their twinner nightgowns and dressed them like twinners in matching green gingham. Yes, Summer and I had several phone conversations about this before they arrived. The nightgowns were purchased just for this trip – all the way from London. But the gingham they’ve had for ages.

It is beautiful to see a well laid plan come together.

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I know they belong to us, which means that I can’t help but think they are cute as buttons, but seriously, you’ve got to admit they are kind of darling.

Be still my little heart that loves some good old fashioned “matchy-matchy”!


Dressed to kill, we left Clara with her dad and Uncle Eno and piled into the mini-van.

Eno had been making crazy faces to get C J’s attention in the previous picture. I think she wasn’t 100% sure that staying home with the boys was what she wanted to do.

When you have all your teeth, Clara, you can come too.


We headed to Greenwich Village…

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For breakfast at



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When we thought it couldn’t get any better, then the hot chocolate arrived!


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It couldn’t have been more wonderful – actually, it could have – I take that back. It would have been better had Nikki, Brynn, Bette and Grandma been with us. (Oh, and Benjamina too, lest I forget my OTHER sis-in-law).


Next time that corner booth will sport ALL of the Kelly women! (Clara too, if she has her teeth!)

After our NYC adventure we came home and pottered around the house for a while. The girls played happily for HOURS and then Summy and I got the itch to go out so we went grocery shopping and to the mall to return something at Anthro.

**Oh, the fun times just kept coming!**

Summer hadn’t ever experience Antro, so I felt it was my DUTY to give her a proper introduction. There would be no dashing in, returning said item and dashing out.

Oh, no!

There would be a trip to the fitting room.

And there would be fun!

FUN, I say!

We tried on some cute stuff, and some down right weird stuff.

This one was our favorite weird-o item.



We laughed for about 15 minutes when I tried this beauty on.

We also stopped by Janie and Jack and grabbed something for the girls.


Yup! You guessed it! MORE matchy-matchy for these little cuties.

May I say something that is in my heart:

Life, you are BEAUTIFUL! and I ADORE YOU! Especially when you give me such moments to share and cherish with my sisters.

And oh, how I love to watch my daughter create moments with her cousin that they will cherish forever.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for this wonderful time.

It is already proving to be


August 1st, 2009 by Eliza

Is here with us, in NJ, for a limited time only.

To be frank, we love her.

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I can’t believe it has taken me this long to mention her blessed presence.

She is making my life so much better!!

Reasons we love the Whisperer:

She is fun, cute, unflappable, hard working, appreciative, keeps her clothes in her suit-case (kudos, Tess), tireless, in-tune, and she loves to watch Psych as much as we do – and did I mention that she is AWESOME with the kids?!

She is wonderful.

I am so glad that she is here.

And she is tolerating us beautifully.

Yesterday I was talking to our mom on the phone and I told mom, “I think Tess is ready to come home to you.” Then I turned to Tess and said, “Are you ready to go home.”


She said, without hesitation.


Only two more weeks, Tess.

And a new wardrobe and a few hundred dollars later and you are home free.