it's's's dawesome
March 11th, 2010 by Eliza


Sam & Chas’ wedding pictures have just been released to the general public

& I am a member of said group

As such,

I have viewed the photos multiple times

(all the while SMILING)

& now

have the great pleasure of bringing them to YOU!

You can go here to see them


you can watch this little slide show that I have spent all day working on (no guilt, but please watch it if you love me and care about my feelings)

By way of explanation:

Sam loves the song “Blackbird” from The White Album, as I have mentioned once before. On the very same album is one of my favorite songs of all times, “I Will”. I think that this song could have been written just for Chas and Sam as it seems to encapsulate their story beautifully.

So I was thinking, perhaps when the blackbird finally makes her way to the light, she meets her love, builds their nest and sings a new song? Eh? Eh?

(or perhaps I should just get dressed already and not take myself and this little project so seriously?)

At any rate, I would like dedicate this song to them along with one of my all time favorite love poems by dear old Rumi. Gotta see the slide show if you wanna read the poem.

Check it out, suckaz — you are in for a treat, cuz I WENT TO TOWN with the iMovie special effects!!

March 1st, 2010 by Eliza

My sister-in-law Sam had a blog.

She loves the song Blackbird, by the Beatles.

It was her theme song.

Since getting hitched she started a new blog.

Now that you know a little thing about her you will understand why I was so happy when I found these dish towels:

Can you guess what I did?

I bought them.

Wrapped them.

Wrote a little note on this card (also in keeping with the theme)

And sent them off to the newlywed love-birds in my life.

February 7th, 2010 by Eliza

After all that goodness it was hard to believe that the best was yet to come. But the very best was waiting for us – just a 20 minute drive away – at the Draper temple.

The temple is on the mountainside looking out over the valley below. It is an impressive location and a beautiful place.

The rooms where the weddings take place have super high ceilings. Being in the room itself made me feel so exultant. I think we needed a room that big and a ceiling that high – it seemed the perfect place to match the height of our emotions.

I cannot tell you how handsome my brother looked – there aren’t words. It is a beauty that comes when one is lit from within. To me he has never looked more handsome.

And the bride – oh, the bride! she was the same – as though light was pouring out of her.

I will forever remember them, side by side, looking like true royalty – BEAMING with a light that touched every last one of us.

After the ceremony, as per tradition, the wedding party waits for the bride and groom to come out of the temple as husband and wife.

Chas had something special planned…

At least I have never seen anything like it before!

Let me offer a little explanation. This wasn’t just fun. (Although it was really fun.) It has significance for Sam and Chas. My bro, a much reformed “weak hugger” loves to pick Sam up and give her a spinning hug.

Sam is an artist and painted this for him as a gift, when they were dating.

The writing is in Italian and it is something that Chas often says to Sam, which translates to, “I want good for you always.” They fell in love under shooting stars.

Now, tell me – is that not the sweetest?!!?When I first saw this painting it brought tears to my eyes. It would melt even the coldest heart, methinks!

Here they are! Mr. & Mrs Charles Kelly!

The little flower girls looked lovely – despite being absolutely miserable in the cold – they held it together pretty well.

Clara’s momentary happiness would soon fade into…

…full on CRUSTIES!

She was looking at Jan pleadingly, as I removed her coat, as if to say, “Dad, you’re sensible – are you going to let her do this to me?!?”

Lest you think me a totally cruel mother, willing to expose her daughter the “elements” for a few cheap photos.  Crusty Clara was not with us long.

Once she warmed up she was happy again. See photographic evidence below:

I am both sad and relieved that I don’t have more photos of the wedding to show you.

Sad, because I bet you’d like to see some more, I would too. But this is all I have. Once the professional photographer showed up we weren’t allowed to take any more photos. And we had to be in a bunch of them as well.

Relieved because now I don’t feel like I have to post a billion photos at this current time because that last post there were a million pictures to choose from and it took me three days to load them up and post them.

As I have an “in” with bride and groom so as soon as they have more pictures of the wedding I promise to hit them up for a few that I can post here for your viewing pleasure.

Until then, this is all I’ve got.

February 6th, 2010 by Eliza

Day two:

The morning following the reception a.k.a. “the love fest” our immediate families gathered for lunch at a new restaurant that has recently opened in Provo called, Communal. This place is divine dining. I make particular mention of it because  it was not a mere back drop in the festivities, it was an active participant.

Soon this beautiful table

would be made all the more beautiful by these wonderful people seated around it

wonderful, wonderful, and most wonderful of all…

the reason for gathering,

our very own,

bride and groom

“I’ll drink* to that!”says I.

(*totally looks like booze, but I assure you the highness we felt was heaven sent and cannot be found in a bottle)

And when I said that the restaurant itself was a part of what made this event so wonderful – just look at this food!

If I could have the wish of my heart I would call each one of you (yes, YOU reading this right now) and I would say, “Meet me at 100 University Ave – I’ve booked us a table at Communal!” and you would say, “SWEET!” and we would sit together and we would eat and we would feel very, very happy!

These guys worked so hard – and I love ’em! Dearest Communal – I adore you and you have my vote if ever you should choose to run for an elected office. Colton and crew – thank you, thank you, thank you!

This next series of pictures I like to call “mix & match” family, now that we are all related I hate to “sort” people into his & hers families — thanks to the bride and groom we are all one big happy family!

There were speeches, toasts, and musical numbers.

For me, this one of the most wonderful parties I have ever attended.

Since the wedding I have been thinking a lot about what made this day possible.

I thought about the decision the Cards made 15 years ago to move to New York – this was a bold and courageous move. They knew, by the Spirit, that they were supposed to move to New York, despite not having a job lined up or a place to live.  But Mike and Liesa had made a pattern of following the Lord, even when He seemed to be calling them to the very precipice – they went! Their courage to follow the Lord’s prompting  would lead to our families becoming friends.

I thought this morning about Sam as I came across a book I’d sent to her last year. I’d sent it to her when she was really suffering, having followed the revelation she’d been given by the Lord, which was very hard to follow. I remember praying for her and thinking of all she was going through. I remember asking the Lord to bless her.

How could I have known when I asked for her to be blessed that it would in turn bless my brother and my whole family  with so much happiness?!

Truly, amazing.

When we follow the guidance the Lord sends to us — no matter how hard it might be — we have NO IDEA how much those good choices will bless our own life and the lives of those we love.

It is both sobering and remarkable to consider the impact of our choices.

This day makes me want to follow more carefully the promptings the Lord sends to me. I know that if I do MIRACLES will be the result.

Thank you Sam and Chas for choosing to follow the Lord…I am so glad that he led you to each other.

I am so happy!

February 3rd, 2010 by Eliza

Was a blast!

We arrived early, but were still late, because we are the Kelly family. I think it is in our DNA.The idea was that we would assemble to take a few family photos. You know, the regular. Luckily, despite our lateness the bride was still getting ready when we arrived.

My dad made the bride’s bouquet and Chas held onto it while he waited for his lovely bride to emerge from the dressing room.

It was the sweetest thing, because every time anyone walked through the door he hoped it would be her…

Ah, me! Is ANYTHING sweeter or better than YOUNG LOVE?


When she finally walked through the door, Chas was a happy man (you can’t see his expression here, but trust me, he was happy!)

HOLY Babe-ness! Check out that fine woman on my brother’s arm!

Here is the deal. The Kelly and the Card families have known each other  for years. This means we share many loved ones in common. We know their friends and family – and we love them. They know our friends and family – and love them. So this party was, in my opinion, what I imagine heaven will feel like.

People kept streaming through the door that we ALL LOVE!

Me loves, you loves, you loves, me loves  – it was, quite simply, a love fest!

Now, onto the wardrobe. Recall if you will the many trips to the mall that were taken to find the bride’s wedding colors.

Many friends have asked me how it all turned out. I even got an email that weekend from someone asking me, “SO?! What did you wear?”

Here’s how it all came together. Upon arrival all the Kelly sisters (minus Allison – boo, hoo!) congregated in my parents bedroom and we put all our clothes in a pile and started to figure out who would wear what. It was a little nuts, but I hope you will agree that the results were pretty awesome!

Kelly Sisters minus beloved in-laws

Card Sisters (minus Hailey – boo-hoo! – who is currently serving a mission)

All sisters join to pay homage to the bride. (A bride worthy of such homage, I might add.)

More Kelly sisters

Card Family

Kelly Family (minus Ben and Ian and Allison, who hadn’t arrived)

Bride and Groom with their parents

So, we did the best we could with these family pictures despite the fact that a small portion of the Kelly family weren’t even off the airplane when they were taken. And Jan doesn’t relish taking pictures with a nasty old flash (flash we are grateful for you but we prefer Mr. Golden Sun) but as ever,  Jan was a good sport.

And speaking of good, may I say that

good times were had.

I assure you!

Have a peek:

Happy mother-in-law, Khaliel with arms around beloved daughter-in-law, Allison

Linds’ labor of love, or “the wedding cake”

Classic Bette and Tess!

The Presidency of the Kenneth Branagh Appreciation society reunited after 15 years

The Freedmans (whom I heart)! Who doesn’t!?!

Rose and Liz enjoy the company.

Cake maker in all her glory! Piping on the finishing touches.

Cam and John

Baby Betta

Cutie-pies Sara & Michael

Aunt Gerry & Uncle Kent

Brynn Bethany Zimmer

There are more photos capturing the happiness felt on this wonderful night – but there is yet more to tell so I am off to write the next post.


for more of

Chas & Sam’s wonderful wedding weekend!

Still to come –

the family lunch

and actual wedding,

we didn’t just party – they actually tied the knot!

February 2nd, 2010 by Eliza

For the past five days I have been in heaven. (That is why you haven’t heard from me, I have been very busy enjoying a rather heavenly experience). Now I am back, and wouldn’t you know, here I am, ready to tell Y O U all about it.

I gathered with my family to celebrate (and I mean CELEBRATE) the union of…

Chas & Samantha.

We left for UT on Friday morning, but before we did, we were all a flutter! All activity, all energy, all thoughts somehow led back to Chas and Sam and their much anticipated nuptials.

For example, Millie decided to draw a picture of Chas and Sam.

And here is your portrait Mr. & Mrs. Kelly.

I think you look smashing. FYI: Sam you are the one with the flowing locks on the left, in case you were wondering. She WAS working from an actual picture of you guys so she got your lovely blue eyes just right. One of the many mysteries in this ever so colorful portrait is the reference to BYU – in the upper left hand corner. I asked her about this, and she was vague, but she did have a reason! One should never ask artists such questions anyway.

The following day the girls got their hands on the paper towel roll. I just let them go for it. Why not?

And I was so glad that I did because in the midst of their playing Millie decided that it was the”special carpet” that Sam would walk down when she married Chas. Aw shucks! Be still my little mommy’s heart!

Clara tried it out for you, Sam. It was lovely. We’d love for you to have a go, whenever you make your way to our house. Wink, wink!

While the girls colored pictures and prepared magical walk ways out of paper towels I was much occupied with


to the wedding.

Cue next post for the outcome!

January 21st, 2010 by Eliza

I am on a mission.

My mission involves two specific colors:

cobalt blue


mustard yellow


Because 10 days from today my little brother is marrying this goddess of a bride to be,

And I for one, would like to please her.

(I so enjoy pleasing a beautiful goddess, don’t you?)

She picked cobalt blue and mustard yellow as her wedding colors. Aren’t they fun? I love them!

Because I am me, I cannot be content to just look for something for myself. OH, NO! I must outfit the entire wedding party. So dear sisters and sisters-in-law (and sisters of my future sister-in-law) if you see something you like here let me know and it shall be thine.

Here is what I have come up with so far.

These two sweaters from Ann Taylor (on a super sale)

Any takers? I was thinking of Brynn, Allison or Tess…

Now, Sam – I know that gray is neither cobalt blue nor yellow – but as the groom will be in gray I thought that a little gray chucked into the mix will not mess with things too much – at least I hope this will be the case, cuz my dress is gray, and so are the flower girls dresses (if you’ll recall)

I found this necklace. Mom, you have any interest in this puppy?

Found these gloves at J. Crew for $12.00. I was planning on wearing these, but can get more if anyone has interest in them. There was also a matching scarf. Any takers?

Ah, the ELECTRIC BLUE tights – got these for $6.00. I don’t think I can pull these off (or on for that matter). But I thought that maybe Betta or Rosie might just have the sort of fashion daring to make these work. Again, if more than one person wants these, I can get more.

I think that I am going to wear this head band, as modeled by the lovely Millie.

On a side note, check this out – does not this mustard yellow frame look perfect with your engagement photo, dear Sam and Chas?

It is placed right here, on my desk so that I might look upon it on a regular basis. It fills me with J O Y!

The end.

For now.



Just kidding there is a P.S. to this post as well.

Brynn, looksies what I finally got for you –

Those herringbone tights!! Only I paid around 7 dollars for them (they were 30% of 9.99, suckaz!) I will bring them out with me when we see you next weekend.