it's's's dawesome
September 19th, 2009 by Eliza

About a year ago the application process began.

Then an interview.

Then the prayers began.

For months Millie prayed the same thing every night:

“Heavenly Father, Please bless that Uncle Eno will get into Columbia.”

(It took some practicing to learn to say, CO-LUM-BIA. But eventually, it was mastered)

The letter we’d all been waiting for came.

By random chance I read it to Ian over the phone (he was in the process of moving, had it mailed to our folks house in Provo, UT and I was there visiting when it arrived).

The news wasn’t horrible, but it wasn’t what Ian wanted.

He’d been wait listed.

He had to wait.

And we were given more time to pray and exercise our faith.

Night after night the same prayer ascended heavenward.

“Please bless Eno to get into Columbia”.

Months went by.

Then another call came – and another conversation took place. This time between Ian and Millie. They talked for a while then Millie looked up at us and said,

“Uncle Eno got into Columbia.”

Cue shouts of joy and dance of happiness.

Today we had the honor of being taken around campus by none other than our very own Eno, aka first year film student at Columbia University.

After all that praying I was keen for Millie to experience what an answered prayer looks and feels like.

You wanna see too?



What he showed us…




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Mom, this is the building where Ian is going to spend the next two years of his life. I took lots of pictures especially for you so that you could imagine him in his new place. It is called “Dodge Hall”. Alli said she likes to think of it as, “Toad Hall”.


As you walk through these doors to your left you see…


and to your right…


Then you take this elevator


Up to the third floor (John will help you push the button, don’t worry!)

As you get off the elevator to your left you see –



and to your right –


Further down the hall is the main lecture hall. Ian says that his entire class fits into this room.



Back downstairs is –



We got the chance to meet Ian’s buddy, John. He is also LDS and the only other person, besides Ian, who clapped when during an opening social they were calling out things like, “clap if you’re from New York, Clap if you love peanut butter and jelly.” — “CLAP IF YOU’RE CONSERVATIVE” — cricket, cricket — clap, clap — as the two lone conservatives, Ian and John, gave it their all! (Bless their courageous hearts! I’m not sure I would have had the guts to clap in that arena! Politics aside, I am impressed they had the guts to own up to their convictions the first chance they were given.)

Back outside – here is where you can get the view from Dodge Hall. I love this picture. You made need to click on it to really see it properly. It just captures every-one’s personality in such a fun way.








stroller escapee –

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That is all I have steam to show you. (we’ll post all the photos on our flickr page)

One last thing.

As we were looking around Allison grabbed me and said, “Look at this!”


Right there carved in stone! A message from heaven. A reminder of what we are all here to do.

To my little brother Ian: I would imagine that these next three years will be full of trials, victories, good times and hard times. In all the hustle and bustle- if you ever catch sight of this motto as you’re running around campus photo copying,  studying, editing footage etc, etc… I hope it will remind you that we, in our circle of influence, will be trying to do the same thing you are doing while you are pursuing your education, and even more that we are still praying for your success!

July 21st, 2009 by Eliza


Are you reading my blog on a regular basis?

I sure hope so.

I know you’re a bishop and have a lot of Yankee games to watch, but I hope that your priorities lead you back to your sister’s blog.


Because you will be rewarded if you are a regular reader.

That’s why.



Poor Brynn (who I know is a regular reader) got cut out of this photo, but YOU, not you.  Check you out in that hat!!


That hat is pure sweetness! You look like a little Rastafarian with bangs.

Allison, are you reading your sister-in-law’s blog? (Actually I know you are because you told me so on the phone today- Cheers, my sis-in-law.)

(That’s right! Everyone is getting called out today.)

Alli,  if seeing Eno sporting this hat and clutching his dirty teddy bear doesn’t make you wish you were holding a little baby Eno of your very own – I don’t know what will.

Good memories.

Good times.

Peace out, my friends.