it's's's dawesome

The other day Millie called out to me,

“Mom! You’ll never find me!”

I just love how Millie’s little “side kick” must also get in on the action!

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3 Responses to “Hide and Seek”

  1. christine Says:

    Going through papers today while doing some spring cleaning on an unexpected day off from, I found your lovely Christmas card with your blog address on the back. Yay!!!

    Your girls are gorgeous. I love your family photo from Easter. You look happy and beautiful, just as I remember you.

    I’m going to add your blog to my blog reading list, so I can now stay caught up with you. Hugs and happy spring.

  2. Tess Says:

    Love it! I am glad that Millie has a side kick. Clara’s face in the third photo is so classic. Can’t wait to see those girls!!

  3. Bette Says:

    This makes me very happy indeed. 🙂