it's's's dawesome

with this picture!

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The arrows are pointing to what is wrong.

My poor brother-in-law has his paw paws all bandaged up.


Because he had to have his carpals and tunnels worked on, that’s why.

Oh, Benny-boy, we here in Madison, NJ are thinking of you every day and wishing you a speedy recovery. We wish we lived closer so that we could drop dinner by, or I could bring your nieces over and they could drive you nuts, or Jan could sit on your sofa and talk politics, movies, current events, church stuff – whatever you like.

I heard from that cute wife of yours that you were needing a bit of a break, but I guess lounging around for over a week really isn’t that cool if you can’t use your hands.

Get well soon, my friend!

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One Response to “Something is WRONG”

  1. Brynn Zimmer Says:

    Thanks, Lize! I’ve been so crazy busy, I didn’t even realize me own husband was featured on your blog. In fact, the reason why I’m reading this at 7:16 am on a Tuesday morning is because I have an assignment to read a blog for class.

    Ben’s doing much better. He was able to do some work and a little typing yesterday. We wish you guys were out here, too, if even just to shake things up a bit, Judy!